We are playing the same game. Dont tell me it's because we are in different platform again?
how come main server has its own separate event in their company partner? Isnt that part of your contract of partnership of the LOA game? Dont you really care about your players who chose to play and still playing here than GTarcade? First Haloween sign in event, 2nd the any recharge amount in angel/mount exclusive event turned to recharge 300 diamonds, and then there's a free spin everyday in GT now. What's next after these? Though we have the free diamonds here, GT has free 1k diamonds in random players in every server every month, they have free gift codes sent to e-mails every week and birthday gift pack sent to e-mail. Not to mention their lowest recharge $3 for 300 diamonds and the payment offers you can recharge via cellphone load. Which is more easier to them. Maybe you can make anything out of this? What am I afraid of if there will be a SIGN IN EVENT on upcoming December which is celebrating the 1st anniversary of LOA. WE, r2 might be outcast again in this kind of event (if ever). Like halloween sign in event last time
We dont deserve to be feeling alienated in the same game we playing.
We are playing the same game. Dont tell me it's because we are in different platform again?

We dont deserve to be feeling alienated in the same game we playing.