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data base error on zodi4c blitz

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  • data base error on zodi4c blitz

    pls fix it... coz the effect c4n't do loops n 4egis upgr4ding...
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Please submit a ticket and post the number here. I'll relay it to a GM to have a look into it.

    It's the first hour, of the first day
    It's hard without you, I cannot lie
    You were everything, and could have been
    It's the first summer, of the first year
    Today only rain, knocks on my window
    And it reminds me, how much I loved you.

    I fail to emerge
    It's a universe, that wants me to get off
    Fear catches me, and I start calling you.

    It's the first night, when I feel cold
    Your arms can no longer warm me
    A cold soul, I cannot love.


    • #3
      do u me4n this ID number R24989719? or this1 630316910397273
      Last edited by R24989719; 12-26-2014, 10:22 PM. Reason: to m4ke sure the ticket number


      • #4 here you choose your server, character name, provide details about the problem, add your screen-shot too, and submit it.
        Once done, it will be a # and followed by 6 numbers " 123456 " as example.
        That's a ticket.

        It's the first hour, of the first day
        It's hard without you, I cannot lie
        You were everything, and could have been
        It's the first summer, of the first year
        Today only rain, knocks on my window
        And it reminds me, how much I loved you.

        I fail to emerge
        It's a universe, that wants me to get off
        Fear catches me, and I start calling you.

        It's the first night, when I feel cold
        Your arms can no longer warm me
        A cold soul, I cannot love.


        • #5
          I've 4lre4dy done with th4t l4st night..... but if u w4nt me to do th4t once more no problem... I'll do it 4g4in (upd4te).... thx for ur guiding...


          • #6
            Originally posted by R24989719 View Post
            I've 4lre4dy done with th4t l4st night..... but if u w4nt me to do th4t once more no problem... I'll do it 4g4in (upd4te).... thx for ur guiding...
            If you did a ticket, reply it here, no need to make a new one.
            Each time a bug/problem occurs and you made a ticket, be sure you'll post it on forum, goes faster as well.

            It's the first hour, of the first day
            It's hard without you, I cannot lie
            You were everything, and could have been
            It's the first summer, of the first year
            Today only rain, knocks on my window
            And it reminds me, how much I loved you.

            I fail to emerge
            It's a universe, that wants me to get off
            Fear catches me, and I start calling you.

            It's the first night, when I feel cold
            Your arms can no longer warm me
            A cold soul, I cannot love.


            • #7
              Click image for larger version

Name:	open ticket.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	229.4 KB
ID:	1705862
              th4ts for m4ke sure th4t I 4lre4dy done with support... but I'm sorry if my reply m4ke u confuse... coz I'm not sure th4t I've got ur point... but thx 4nyw4y for helping me.


              • #8
                Ok, I will report this.

                It's the first hour, of the first day
                It's hard without you, I cannot lie
                You were everything, and could have been
                It's the first summer, of the first year
                Today only rain, knocks on my window
                And it reminds me, how much I loved you.

                I fail to emerge
                It's a universe, that wants me to get off
                Fear catches me, and I start calling you.

                It's the first night, when I feel cold
                Your arms can no longer warm me
                A cold soul, I cannot love.

