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Compete for higher BR

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  • Rangorax
    started a topic Compete for higher BR

    Compete for higher BR

    Here is the thing.
    Event ended and we are not rewarded.I am 10th BR on my server(reached this rank after event,so i was 11th or lower),well,I am under 1,5 mill BR so i expected reward for 11-50 place.Players with lower BR got rewards.It's kinda confusing.

    You can see the chat and ranking list.Abby is 1st on our server over 2 mill BR and she is not rewarded as well.
    Here is the one of the players with lower BR and he is rewarded.

    Thank you in advance!
    Server 179 Shivering Sands
    IGN Rangorax
    Last edited by Rangorax; 01-19-2015, 01:39 PM.

  • Gurothos
    Originally posted by gemmi View Post
    First, there may have been at least 1 or more on your server that figured out they wouldnt have gotten rewards for 1-10th or didnt want those rewards and dropped their br, which would have increased your rank for the event. Many did this because they wanted the lvl 9 gems and not the rather disappointing rewards for 1-10th places. So if you were right on that border of 11 and 10, that may have been what happened. Second, you dont drop in rank just cause you dont qualify for the rewards listed. If you were 1 and met the requirements, you got the rewards. If you were 1 and didnt have the br, then unfortunately you dont get anything. Same for 2-3 and 4-10 and so on. If you dont qualify for 1st, you dont get dropped down to qualify for 2 and 3 or anything lower, you just get nothing. This event kinda topped the list for me for worst events and passed angels world cup for top on my list. hahahaha.
    Good answer, no point in posting seeing I'll type 95% of what you just said, lol.

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  • gemmi
    First, there may have been at least 1 or more on your server that figured out they wouldnt have gotten rewards for 1-10th or didnt want those rewards and dropped their br, which would have increased your rank for the event. Many did this because they wanted the lvl 9 gems and not the rather disappointing rewards for 1-10th places. So if you were right on that border of 11 and 10, that may have been what happened. Second, you dont drop in rank just cause you dont qualify for the rewards listed. If you were 1 and met the requirements, you got the rewards. If you were 1 and didnt have the br, then unfortunately you dont get anything. Same for 2-3 and 4-10 and so on. If you dont qualify for 1st, you dont get dropped down to qualify for 2 and 3 or anything lower, you just get nothing. This event kinda topped the list for me for worst events and passed angels world cup for top on my list. hahahaha.

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  • Rangorax
    4-10 with 1.5m br and higher.(we have 20 active players max on server)I didnt expect reward for something that i dont have requirements so I guess that I belong to 11-50 group...Btw Abby didnt get any reward as i know.Please read carefuly,I said Abby was not rewarded with 2m+ BR,I didnt said for 1st place.I would like an answer from LoA staff,not from some randome player.
    I,ve reached 10th place after event ended.That mean i was 11th and lower in the time of the event.

    s179 Shivering Sands
    IGN Rangorax
    Last edited by Rangorax; 01-19-2015, 01:40 PM.

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  • MagusRynd
    Originally posted by Rangorax View Post
    Here is the thing.
    Event ended and we are not rewarded.I am 10th BR on my server,well,I am under 1,5 mill BR so i expected reward for 11-50 place.Players with lower BR got rewards.It's kinda confusing.

    You can see the chat and ranking list.Abby is 1st on our server over 2 mill BR and she is not rewarded as well.
    Here is the one of the players with lower BR and he is rewarded.

    Thank you in advance!
    Server 179 Shivering Sands
    IGN Rangorax
    guys fer love of god or anythin holy, pls read the requirements! they are written clearly there!

    why would you expect reward fer 11-50 place when yer 10th!? and why would you get 4-10 place reward when yer not 1.5M+ BR!?

    and why on blue planet would abby receive 1st place reward when shes not 3M+ BR!?

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