Name ; Mercyfull
Server : [S174] Copper Coast
Type : Realm not loading for demoniac war
here is the loadin page for the realm when you try to load it for 21:00 demonic war !
Here again I try to enter the relm for demoniac war and the page doesn't load at all :
therefor the 21:00 war is not available to anyone.
can we have something that works correctly ?
the 1st war 16:00 is over and all those who did this one will get their rewards what about us who applied for the 21:00 and for the second time are not able to access the server.
Server : [S174] Copper Coast
Type : Realm not loading for demoniac war
here is the loadin page for the realm when you try to load it for 21:00 demonic war !
Here again I try to enter the relm for demoniac war and the page doesn't load at all :
therefor the 21:00 war is not available to anyone.
can we have something that works correctly ?
the 1st war 16:00 is over and all those who did this one will get their rewards what about us who applied for the 21:00 and for the second time are not able to access the server.