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Cross-Serwer Tycoon and some events

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  • Cross-Serwer Tycoon and some events

    R2Games, I think you are doing everything to discourage players to play, another new event is the increasing requirements to gain advanced rewards (Cross-server Tycoon 105000 points).
    You can not reach to the fact that many players are learning or working, often do not have the opportunity to complete all the quests associated with events.

    I play more than one year, I have 82 lvl, 2.4 mil BR, and I have a problem with getting even 70k points in cross-server tycoon, by the fact that I work and I can not attend all the events in the game, so I do not know who is to serve an increase in events require, only cash-players and so those who have everything ?

    Increasing require at events is stupid, because to some extent it is impossible to gain more points without spending diamonds.

  • #2
    no matter the point created with bugs,thus the fair rewards theft..all r2games company not and should not be addressed!deceives players..log out


    • #3
      Does increase the points from 100k to 105k affect you at all since you cant even do 70k.
      At level 82 and played for 1 year plus, you still cant do 105k every tyhoon (CS/SS) without spend diamonds/ cash in?
      This mean you are really have no idea how to play tyhoon.

      If you said you have no time to play, then that is your own issue.


      • #4
        ********..does not receive the daily rewards:wyrm race raiders,no abyss,no cs war,no work game 90%!only buying hot event work!rigged game, so the naive way to force people to buy!unfair company and slowly realizes that the sane players the major part of..just more honest companies who operate estimate 1 year!!!!!!!!!!!!!+ faithful players


        • #5
          Originally posted by Norman818181 View Post
          Does increase the points from 100k to 105k affect you at all since you cant even do 70k.
          At level 82 and played for 1 year plus, you still cant do 105k every tyhoon (CS/SS) without spend diamonds/ cash in?
          This mean you are really have no idea how to play tyhoon.

          If you said you have no time to play, then that is your own issue.
          The idea of the game is to keep the issue looted items, and thus increase the statistics of the main character, or heroes, or angels, or mounts, etc.
          The game recently focuses on the need to collect looted items just because we may receive an event in which for the issuance of these items will gain additional items (consumed items for receive moore items).
          Many players (non-casher) many players collect items of events (quiz voucher, shell point card, card lotto voucher etc) in one event to use them and thus earn more interesting items, spending because these items on a regular basis, nothing reaches, no chance to advance rewards. Is that the idea of the game is missing a few events in a row so that one can use these objects ? But unfortunately the players so they play to finally get the valuables, just how it will raise the requirements for events (moore points) then even a collection of objects to get tired, and players will come away from the game.

          "...collected items and chests do not count"... so it looks like the idea of the game ? I collect some items to exchange them for other items and which would not be included in the points, but enough to buy anything for diamonds that everything will be converted into points.
          Tycoon should count points for issued items and not for the acquired, if I collect some items are just up to me when I give them or replace other, if acted on this principle by tycoon even non-casher would have a chance to get better items and the chance to gain not tens of thousands of points and hundreds of thousands.
          Last edited by Androm3da; 02-28-2015, 02:27 PM.


          • #6
            tbh, this was first tycoon where i wasnt spend any gem card, any ore or even try to be here for each event that can bring points, 105k is reachable, but rewards for that ammount was crapiest since i play this game, so not worth it, beside i agree that constantly increese of req points and lower number of events where you
            can get points (like tarot) and not to say constant bugs not helping new players to stay on game
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