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Loading Issues

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  • Loading Issues

    Server: S162
    Character: filversox

    Type: Loading Issues

    Details: I'm having severe loading issues since the check-in patch, I cannot get past the 6/6 loading bar anymore. Before the patch a simple refresh or clicking the "Click here" button would fix it for me - but ever since thursday's (?) patch I have hardly been able to log on anymore. After refreshing a large number of times it will sometimes suddenly load up, but this usually takes 30m - 1hr worth of time. Actual help would be appreciated :/

    PS: if this helps - I play the game from the Netherlands.

  • #2
    Tried to change DNS or use VPN?

    It's the first hour, of the first day
    It's hard without you, I cannot lie
    You were everything, and could have been
    It's the first summer, of the first year
    Today only rain, knocks on my window
    And it reminds me, how much I loved you.

    I fail to emerge
    It's a universe, that wants me to get off
    Fear catches me, and I start calling you.

    It's the first night, when I feel cold
    Your arms can no longer warm me
    A cold soul, I cannot love.


    • #3
      I have, neither have given a result. Also - the issue started quite definably with the introduction of the patch. I didn't have the issue before the patch and it started as soon as I was forced to refresh due to the patch being applied.

      Is there any post on the usage of a VPN or changing DNS that you could link to btw?
      Tried to change DNS or use VPN?
      really doesn't help me much - I've seen that reply in earlier threads that I have searched the forum for and it doesn't tell what VPN I should be using for best results, or which DNS to change to.


      • #4
        best to change your dsn to
        to file a ticket


        • #5
          I do normally use the Google DNS - and for the sake of experimentation changed it to my regular ISP DNS as well as OpenDNS to see if they gave better results, none of the three made any difference. I've also run a tracert on and there was never any problem no matter which DNS I was using. The problem also occurs at a very specific time during the loading process (the (2/2) progress bar fills up fine, the (6/6) progress bar fills up fine as well, but as soon as that is filled it will just sit there and never start the last (4/4) progress bar), making me think that it's not really connection based. I feel like I've given more than enough detailed information for some actual meaningful responses, more than just "switch to google DNS".

          I've also tried uninstalling/reinstalling flash before that gets suggested as well, and ran the application on 4 different browsers and 2 different systems - all of this resulted in the exact same problem (stalling after filling out the (6/6) progress bar), and all of this happened only after and EXACTLY after the thursday patch.

          PS: Might I add that with the number of bugged fights/events leading into an unrecoverable state of the game that basically forces you to refresh your browser, this is an INCREDIBLY annoying problem for me. Anything that forces me to refresh basically means I will have to stare at my screen for 30 minutes hoping the progress bar will magically run through its course.
          Last edited by Filversox; 03-29-2015, 05:02 AM.

