As the title says, there's no Spring Buds event at the Hot Events window as was previously divulged here Hot events for Easter.
It's not a matter of "adjustment due to changes of the development plan" as I suppose was in the case of last minute changes to the contents of Kiss of God event, the Spring Buds event is nowhere to be seen.

![Click image for larger version
Name: [S231]_Withering_Fen-League_of_Angels_at_R2Games.com_-_2015-04-06_10.43.45.png
Views: 1
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ID: 1768704](filedata/fetch?id=1768704&d=1428314121)
It's not a matter of "adjustment due to changes of the development plan" as I suppose was in the case of last minute changes to the contents of Kiss of God event, the Spring Buds event is nowhere to be seen.
