Why I just had to witness 3 hours of Admin abuse on a 13 year old girl, by VetKali and VetAdzi. VetKali on repeat kept warning the brand new player about every tiny thing she did saying she was "spamming" By trying to Recruit, sending 1 double message. Why do the Vets not just talk down to everyone, they order you around over trivial matters and cause repeat problems. I shouldn't have to watch 2 Admins abusing a young girl and Muting her for getting frustrated at their repeat actions to attack with words, saying nasty things like "You wouldn't understand" etc like she was dumb. She is my Neice, a great, clever student adolescent. This is DISGUSTING
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Can anyone tell me in the name of all that's holy?
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What would you do with a Volunteer WORKER abusing new players, where they given authority to help people play, not to be rude ad by rude I mean disgusting acting. Thanks to VetDeber for releasing mute. No thanks to Adze who rubs in the situation and try to make me look criminal on world chat, I got angry because STAFF were RUDE ON REPEAT not just that its 13+ CHILDRENS game, ordering people around like you are BOSS no you are there to help not HINDER.
So it seems that in 1 hour (midnight - 1am NOT 1pm DAYTIME) I was viciously attacked and for the rest of the DAYTIME no one especially BRAND NEW PLAYERS are being warned for the same things I was doing, now I just don't want to speak to anyone much in the game it's shake me and make me less confident. If this how you treat your new young players then this game need BANNING
My very last thing to say about this is they say I broke the rules which I checked is not clear, so not only have they broken any kind of contract I entered as a player. They not breaking rules THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW. It is a crime (VERBAL ASSAULT ON MINOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and if LoA wont take this serious my parents will.
and so will I. Very disturbing incident. I sure as anything, wont be paying anymore until something is taken as serious as this CRIME against a child is one of the worst things I have seen in ANY game I have ever played. NEVER have I seen such abuse of power. This is what happes when you give volunteers the names of Gods and Myths, you make them feel lke they can RULE other players, they are not here to say "Everybody enjoy yourselves" - This is an ORDER a DEMAND not a REQUEST and this is EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY SPEAK. I am long sick of it myself. Why can't they say "Please, enjoy yourselves, I hope you having fun" No need for orders unless someon breaks rules, I am not here to be bossed around when I AM THE PAYER
Well one thing for sure,you have no idea what SPAM is,or how to use EDIt function in forums,you posted like 10 msg one after another) If you have a problem with that vet,and feel like you were abused or sth then go and report him,don't make a drama and show your butthurt attitude all over the place.And you're making threats with your parents,for real?
) And the other one with not recharging anymore?My advise for you is to stop playing online games,because if this made you feel like going and crying under a blanket,then when you're gonna meet a 10-15 years old player who's gonna wish "all the best" to you and your family,what are you going to do? Sue him for being a jackass?Wake up,the world isn't a rainbow and people aren't nice folks that throw themselves in fire to help you.And like i said,stick to Mario,Cs,and the rest,cause browser games aren't for you.
PS: (and this is why the edit function is there) You posted in the wrong section,this is a Game Discussion,this section is for bugs only.Last edited by xLordOfDemons; 05-05-2015, 08:08 AM.
So kids can't play League of Angels because older players, I see, thanks this help our case. Oh look I just edited a post (not like all those missing spaces, did your space bar take a walk with your brain?). Now thats abuse from a player too openly on the forum. You know I am 13 years girl and still think you can talk like that. Its disgusting. I'm not talking about CRYING PUNK (Thats you the PUNK the way you write) I am respectful young person and should not be abused by Staff I don't care about players and that includes you. Why post when you just ADDING TO THE PROBLEM... idiot. Bravery comes from the abilty to fight for what you believe in. Lord you just believe in making more trouble. People like you are the problem in the first place. As I said, just to clarify, it's A BUG WHEN THE GAME IS BROKEN. Even broken by the over use of power when completely uncalled for. Nothing justifies a worker of a system where you pay money abusing you. Its called TRADING STANDARDS. How a 13 year old has to tell you that is way beyond me. Try to be nice to people. If you can't then take it somewhere else, I didn't ask you to (poorly) understand. You took upon yourself to try to look clever and got schooled by child.Last edited by HammeRofTheGodS; 05-05-2015, 11:23 AM.