AS title says it's a reward but unmacthing collect rewards in treasure reward event.. I want to be fixed, and I want my full reward not missing from it. I did not recharge dias so U can lie about rewards. Attached screens. Reward total worth 25000 Diamonds but in the bottom of the page,at total-overall is only 14000 Diamonds. I have calculate day -by-day and surprize,even after theese calculations rewards are not matching. S39, IGN GOKUZ

So: day 1 =1200 Dias
day 2 =1400 Dias
day 3 =1600 Dias
day 4 =1800 Dias
day 5 =2000 Dias that's a total of 8000 Dias form Total showed t day 5 of 14000 Dias.
So: day 1 =1200 Dias
day 2 =1400 Dias
day 3 =1600 Dias
day 4 =1800 Dias
day 5 =2000 Dias that's a total of 8000 Dias form Total showed t day 5 of 14000 Dias.