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S234 Sunless Sea lost in Merger, please help...

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  • S234 Sunless Sea lost in Merger, please help...

    as near as I can tell all of S234 had their accounts bundled for merger, but never transferred - we all landed as naked newbies (though our original info was still shown in header bar, so I have hope).

    I and a few others waded through the first few level to access Chat (and some, myself included, tried entering our original char names in hopes it would jog loose, but no joy) and found that the other 4 servers arrived just fine and found our situation hysterical. (this did NOT help, lol)

    3/16 : 234 has been split off and we are able to access our characters and assets - but very little else. All but a couple of Hot Events are MIA, nothing which involves a CS battle (TA, AE, CS CoM, etc) is working, and we are locked out of Craft Master, one of the few events left on our board. Can 234 be restored to normal until you are ready to complete the merger?

    3/17 : Hot Events are up (thank you), but main left-side events still out of sight, though I got credit for some I could not possibly have done (which is nice, but I'd rather have the events...) - also, I note that a fully-merged server got a comp for the crippled DW we all suffer from ("Can we get some fix's and no I don't want your 10 angel tears and 10m gold compensation that IS NOT HELPFULL .", off another thread on Bug forum), which makes the crumbs we were tossed for a far greater disaster seem small cheese indeed...
    Last edited by RemiIronstaff; 03-17-2016, 07:13 AM.

  • #2
    i have reported it
    to file a ticket


    • #3
      thanks...I have been trying to keep the troops patient but apparently we're missing out on a lot with this late, I'll be happy to get back what I had. Checked my old screenshots. most recent LoA last June but better than nothing if needed.


      • #4
        Bump till it gets resolved.


        • #5
          is a problem if i create another character with same name? do this because i thinking can save my old character..


          • #6
            well, we have a temp solution, as near as I can figure they restarted S234 as a stand-alone - which is fine insofar as it goes, but we appear to be cut off from all the normal Hot Events, among other things. We have our characters/assets, and a server...but a crippled one.


            • #7
              okay - in addition to the truncated Hot Events, CS Clash does not work - and I'd bet a cookie CS Tourney won't either. and it will be like this until "next merger"? how soon is that? I don't think they do them all that often...


              • #8
                no CS activity that requires a battle is working - also Craft borked, can't collect final prize or craft anything


                • #9
                  now we don't have any event but is interesting in hot events we have The Precious and St.Patrick DAY 1


                  • #10
                    Yes, they have managed to open our Hot Events, which we appreciate (and credit us a few from yesterday we could not possibly have done, lol), but we cannot access the Main Events missing on the left, which puts us at a severe disadvantage, especially once this situation is fully resolved. I am adding daily updates to our issues in the lead post...we still need help, guys!


                    • #11
                      Bumping cause it seems we have been forgotten about us, you give us 1 event which is dia based, on top of that comp which was like a slap in the face, doubt you will find any s234 players buying diamonds till this gets fixed.

