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Servers down?

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  • #16
    Hello!!! Earth to moderators...Can we get an answer on this issue? I am inquiring about S316 but everyone having issues deserves an answer here - Server has been down ALL DAY LONG and it is beyond frustrating at this point! Especially since we can't get any answers here - what exactly are forums for again? Pfffft
    Harley - S316


    • #17
      Q: "Who wants to live forever...?! " A: The Queen! _______ ~ So, therefore ..."There can be only one" ~


      • #18
        there was a banner in the game that anounce us.....
        Q: "Who wants to live forever...?! " A: The Queen! _______ ~ So, therefore ..."There can be only one" ~


        • #19
          sooo frustrating they cant even give us an explanation to what is going on


          • #20
            Originally posted by CelandraC View Post
            sooo frustrating they cant even give us an explanation to what is going on
            prolly cus they dont have a clue whats goin on


            • #21
              Originally posted by stefan71 View Post
              S316 is not part of the merge...most servers are just fine and even the merged servers are up and running...
              Harley - S316


              • #22
                Celandra, I think they did a secret merge and we were merged right off the game!! (This is Harley btw)
                Harley - S316


                • #23
                  A lot of servers are down since morning and most of them wasn't merged. Seem nobody cares anyway, at least an answer, sorry we don't know what happened or something but silence are better. There are some events where we will loose resources, like gold tickets in capsule but don't be afraid, they will give us a ***** compensation and good luck on spending more dias, at least on making stupid events with spending dias they are good. Thank you loa for ruin the game entirely and be so polite with your clients. we all appreciate the help.


                  • #24
                    Wonder how many from servers which cant log on were merged a few months ago?

                    Seems to me we are being caught up in the merge account/reset errors even though we aren't truly affected. Basically it appears we are being inconvenienced by mergers twice
                    - gonna take a really big compensation this time.

                    Am not surprised we have had no responses to the thread - they royally botched up this merge if you read the posts - seems to be affecting many. Let's hope they fix it before
                    more people decide it isn't worth the aggravation anymore and quit.

                    If you truly value your player base - a simply response like we are aware and working on it - goes a long way. And please take some of the money i have spent and invest in some customer
                    service training. Yes we are your customers not just game players. Would serve you well to remember and treat us accordingly.


                    • #25
                      Can't believe it's been down for this long, and there's still no official announcement regarding it, very disappointing of r2.


                      • #26
                        just got back on ua82 but am ****** off missed everything yest and the fact I cant get my Victoriana shards now grrrrrrr


                        • #27
                          no compesation,,,,,
                          IGN : yuna
                          server : s236
                          IGN : nenekPeot
                          server : s310


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by den0ne View Post
                            i want double :P
                            lol,,..double??,,,,we not gt compensation....
                            they dont care now,,,,
                            IGN : yuna
                            server : s236
                            IGN : nenekPeot
                            server : s310


                            • #29
                              Your issues have messed up all my progress in Capsule Toys, affected HoC, my chances at Victoriana shards, Precious event, as well as resource event for my 35k element crystals for 1k...How are you going to reek havok on servers that aren't even part of the merge, refuse to respond in forums to those that are inquiring about such issues, AND then give zero compensation for YOUR mistakes. Brushing it all under the rug like it never happened and just ignore us incessantly? I don't know if all this is ran by robots or mentally constipated humans - or which is worse...but I recommend you guys get it together. My hard earned cash spent on this game is not water under the bridge and you will NOT be hearing the end of my mouth until something is done to compensate EVERYONE affected by your hot mess. I will submit tickets daily! We are CUSTOMERS and most of us PAY for this half rate, bugged out, game...we do not need your horrible customer service on top of everything else you put us through and expect us to just swallow like a pill and shut up about. Wake up, and compensate!
                              Harley - S316


                              • #30
                                Can anyone help me with an answer to why I can log in on a windows 8 computer but can not log in on a windows 7 based computer?

