Server : Witchmoor S293
Account Name : Ninda
I have purchased 2 x 1000 diamonds, but cyclic recharge rewards are not working for me please fix it as soon as possible, because i need this resources to gain more tycoon points before tycoon ends which is tomorrow, thank you in advance
Here is my recharge history :
1st 1000 diamonds purchase
2nd 1000 diamonds purchase
Im waiting for an answer and fix as soon as possible before the tycoon event ends
Account Name : Ninda
I have purchased 2 x 1000 diamonds, but cyclic recharge rewards are not working for me please fix it as soon as possible, because i need this resources to gain more tycoon points before tycoon ends which is tomorrow, thank you in advance
Here is my recharge history :
1st 1000 diamonds purchase
2nd 1000 diamonds purchase
Im waiting for an answer and fix as soon as possible before the tycoon event ends