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gold Khaos card equip heimdal helm
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gold Khaos card equip heimdal helm
two months ago at 9th February devs decide to change the conditions (status) on this card. One craft before the craft at 9th February this gold cards gave atk and hit with 2,8% both. At 9th we had new update and you got change on this card with out any announcement that this card had problem or something else. So I send a ticket and I asked from you to gave me a compensation (all materials to spent to get this card) about this card because I bought it to have atk and hit and no def and hit as you made it to have now. You told me that you asked devs and you did. After two weeks I got an answer from you that you will give me all materials that I spent for that card on the next craft if I will deleted this card first.. Until then already passed another 2 crafts. I agreed with your condition and on next craft I delete my card from my hero but from then you never answered me and never you send me the materials that you told me that you would gave me as devs said to me from your tickets. Now, with this craft that will end today will pass 4 craft and no answer from you. I send a lot of tickets but you never answer me from then that I deleted my card. WHEN YOU WILL ANSWER me and give me what we agreed. Someone here that is honest can answer me from devs team or moderators? Will you ever compensation me to get finally the exactly card that I want for my hero? or only you told to delete and you will never give me anything? From your side this the most indecent act against ppl. I wait an answer and I hope to get it soon.
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