Hi, there im here for bad reason. R2 tickets support team just lie to me and im just mad! You can see on the screens that i used 1312 diamonds in last day of the Mother's day event, but i've got only 128 pts and in the result i had only 999pts. I used my diamonds for useless thing only to get 1000pts. BTW i've used all of my hardly saved diamons. Okay its not you fault.
But when ive got a ticket (R218841242) I had to wait near a week to get that crapy answer (you can see it on the 3rd screen)
Also you can see the first 2 screenshots which was included in the ticket report - its clear that i use 1312 diamonds from the first screen captured in 23:36 and on the second screen you can see that i've got only 128pts today and in the same screen you can see that i had 999pts - screen captured in 23:38.
I thinked that this time they will have no chance to ignore me but they manage to do it one more time.
The answer was you cannot prove that you had 869pts before you spend your diaonds. I dont want to be rude, but what kind of idiot cant figure out that 131-128=3 and 999+3=1002???
Why i need to prove ow many pts i had before i spend the diamonds when i prove that i spend 1312 diamonds and i prove that ive got only 128 pts. So here i am and waiting for quality answer, please.
P.S. Please some one to do something with these support ticket staff its not first time when they answer like that, once i show em a screen included my last ranking in champ showdown - i was first and ive got 1 place reward on firts reward period but then i didnt got any att untill the end and they answer to me: you wasnt first last day its have to be a bug. BTW on the sceen was clear: last rank - nomber 1, on first day i used a lot of dias to be first and they told me you wasnt, but ive got the daily reward the point was that i didnt got any att untill the end and i wasnt able to get in the finnal stage. - it was just an example how useless you this staff.

But when ive got a ticket (R218841242) I had to wait near a week to get that crapy answer (you can see it on the 3rd screen)
Also you can see the first 2 screenshots which was included in the ticket report - its clear that i use 1312 diamonds from the first screen captured in 23:36 and on the second screen you can see that i've got only 128pts today and in the same screen you can see that i had 999pts - screen captured in 23:38.
I thinked that this time they will have no chance to ignore me but they manage to do it one more time.
The answer was you cannot prove that you had 869pts before you spend your diaonds. I dont want to be rude, but what kind of idiot cant figure out that 131-128=3 and 999+3=1002???
Why i need to prove ow many pts i had before i spend the diamonds when i prove that i spend 1312 diamonds and i prove that ive got only 128 pts. So here i am and waiting for quality answer, please.
P.S. Please some one to do something with these support ticket staff its not first time when they answer like that, once i show em a screen included my last ranking in champ showdown - i was first and ive got 1 place reward on firts reward period but then i didnt got any att untill the end and they answer to me: you wasnt first last day its have to be a bug. BTW on the sceen was clear: last rank - nomber 1, on first day i used a lot of dias to be first and they told me you wasnt, but ive got the daily reward the point was that i didnt got any att untill the end and i wasnt able to get in the finnal stage. - it was just an example how useless you this staff.