something is not ok around 10:00 server time game start to has a lot lag waiting to much time to open events or inventory and a lot time to load battle some of this was needed more then min to be doned and change browsers too but still same problem. Server 96
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Loading problem
Hello. Sorry for my coming with a reply a bit later than usual. Server was tested and checked and everything (battles/features windows) loaded completely and worked fine today. Can you come with an update on the problem you had and let us know if it is ok now? In case it is not and things are still not working, please post your IGN and server and a screenshot of the issue/issues which you're still facing. Thank you in advance.
REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.