Why the more I become, the less damage I cause in the Demon War? heroes do not change. when I had a 50 million rating, I killed the last monster for two approaches, now I have an 80 million rating, I kill for the eight approaches of the last monster (150)
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Demonic war
Hello. With the Demonic War, there in nothing like in an exact maths. BR is not the decisive factor, or bluntly said, it is almost 0. There are a lot of other things which will influence your hitting the boss like in your character and your heroes' stats, worship buffs you have activated, awakening skills set, totems you're using, a particular set up you might use for DeW. All these together help in obtaining and maintaining a more permanent result. You are bond to % chances to stun, block, dodge or hit with what I have previously mentioned. You should try to watch the actual battle and see what makes you die in there, what makes that happen and to start from there in choosing what is best for your DeW set up so that you can obtain the wanted results.
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