her skill was it carry out again after the second round... noticed in all battlefields. Please fix.
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golden disciple skill not working
Hello there. Please post your data (IGN, server name and number), a battlelog link and all info about your GD in this thread, specifically opened for this issue: http://forum.r2games.com/forum/brows...le-round-skill . Thank you.
REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.
Good morning migue. I am sorry for your non-working GD round skill, you are not the only player who is facing the issue, but the fact I have asked player/s to post a battle log link to show that the round skill of the hero is not working is part of the requirements for report, as it is stated in that specific thread (this because not all the GDs purchased by players have been broken). Nevertheless, I have reported your hero, too, even without that battle log you should have come with (maybe you will post it there though, it is requested for a first check and a proper report, and what you have posted it's not what I have asked you to). As for what you wanted to be returned by LoA, feel free to submit a ticket to support and request that. Here is a useful link for that ticket submission: https://www.r2games.com/support/?ac=...&ticket_type=7 Thank you.Last edited by Sidhe; 06-28-2018, 12:16 AM.REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.
The GD skill does not work.
Server ub25
ING migue
Just finished a grueling battle - check it out. [migue] VS [wicky78] [Watch]Last edited by miguelina.ra; 06-28-2018, 10:14 PM.
Server: S95 Mistshade Town (merged UC24)
IGN: honda6
GD round skill is not working, Please help
I just got GD from Navigation King and upgraded my Gen and now her round skill does not work. Sorry I have been unable to figure out how to get a link to a battle to post for you. Please forward a repair request for me. I use R2 client and it does not show an address bar when I view a battle log. I shared this battle but can't copy a link sorry [honda6] VS [Zumentas] [Watch].Last edited by Honda6; 07-09-2018, 04:15 AM. Reason: Adding info about shared battle with GD round skill not working - shareFight&1095b42e207f1fab
After your battle ends and when you press share? link to your battle should automatically copy to clipboard, you can paste it in the post then or in text document and then copy and paste it from that document. For golden disciple issues only battle log links are accepted.Last edited by Alkaris; 07-09-2018, 05:50 PM.
Server S95 Mistshade Town (merged uc24)IGN honda6
GD round skill is not working
I tried as you advised .Then posted the link in the above post. When I did the link saved loaded my char in loa, not the battle link(so I did an edit) and deleted that link. . I had to add the Dropbox link in order to save the edit and remove the other link that had to be deleted. Very frustrating, please report my GD issue with the info I have provided. other posts here were reported without any link and less info. Thx
Good morning Honda. Issue will be reported and you'll be added to the list. Still, a battle log would be requiered and requested so please, try to get it and post it here. Thank you. I will try and post here the steps you have to follow for getting that battle-log.
EDIT: I have just noticed the link in the dropbox, I hope it is gonna work for support. Thank you.Last edited by Sidhe; 07-10-2018, 12:07 AM.REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.
Server S95 Mistshade Town (merged uc24)
IGN honda6
GD round skill is not working
Good morning Sidhe, Thank you for the helpful reply. I think I finally figure out how to get the loa r2 games link. I will add it here. So others know I saved the share battle link to a Word doc.by pasting then high lighted it and under paste selected link to create a link. I really appreciated the help thank you. Hopefully they can get my GD bug fixed soon lolDropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!Last edited by Honda6; 07-10-2018, 02:37 AM. Reason: Well I do not get it. I posted an loa link here again that I saved in word then tested by pasting the link in adress bar and got the battle link I wanted. then came here and posted the same link addre
Server S95 Mistshade Town (merged uc24)IGN honda6
GD round skill is not working
continued... link address link and saved post. Then I click the link I posted here it opened my char in loa again instead of the share battle why??? thus I had to delete that link and had to insert a ent Dropbox link of a different shared battle.