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Starcaller Supremacy

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  • 3659
    started a topic Starcaller Supremacy

    Starcaller Supremacy

    Hello my Starcaller is not issuing Supremacy - have attached a Battle log. Can this please be fixed. Thank you

    IGN Sixpence
    Server uc26

  • Sidhe
    Good evening. To start with, stop "hijacking" others' posts. I have checked all threads here and I haven't found you anywhere with a post to signal your hero is broken. Please open your own thread, post there all information and requested data (IGN, server name and number), come with a battlelog so that issues can be checked (or rechecked, in case you have posted, previously, anywhere in this forum about the issue). Please also submit a ticket to support, using this link here: . If you have already submitted a ticket, please give us the approximate time when you did that or pass here the #case number of the ticket, if that has been replied, - so that we can ask for an update for you.
    I can understand your frustration, your being upset and angry but I cannot understand the language you're using and the fact you're directing your frustration towards the wrong people. Please be aware of the fact this is just a forum and we are forum moderators, players who happens to have this "title", for a while. We help with our knowledge about the game, we pass players' problems and issues to support team and ops, we do not have any power to fix things, to apply rewards, to issue compensations of any sort, to determine or to compel devs to act one way or another.
    So, as soon as you come with all requested data and details, we can forward everything to the support team and ask after for updates and a solution for your problem. Thank you.
    Last edited by Sidhe; 02-12-2019, 12:30 PM.

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  • 7ankash
    are you serious ?? so you introduce fake products?? you sell it saying it do this and this, then after while it turns to be fake??? when i buy a product if it turns to be fake i get my money back or i expect a fix?? but the fix aint available for than a month,, just push you lazy devs to work? or change the management in your company to know how to manage their products

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  • Alkaris
    Originally posted by 7ankash View Post
    just when the hell you will fix star caller suprmecy ??? you guys said this before one month you are aware of this bugs,, stick with this stupid rule,, fix fix fix fix fix fix fix fix your bugs before you introduce new Monkey king,, or give me my money back that i spent on star caller,,
    It dont depend on us, but on game developers. Bug fixes and development of new heroes are made by different people. And there is no policy for returning costs spent on something you received and used.

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  • 7ankash
    just when the hell you will fix star caller suprmecy ??? you guys said this before one month you are aware of this bugs,, stick with this stupid rule,, fix fix fix fix fix fix fix fix your bugs before you introduce new Monkey king,, or give me my money back that i spent on star caller,,

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  • Sidhe
    Good morning. Issue with heroes is still worked on by devs and they try to find a fix for this, one which not to be temporary. I do not yet have an eta for this to happen but supposedly that will not be earlier than after their Chinese new Year break and Spring Festival ends. I will come with updates after. Thank you for your still being patient there and waiting for this to happen.

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  • 3659
    Thnk you Sidhe - these quick fixes have not worked for me Starcaller is still casting Radiant guidance and Lord Skyscream is not working properly - do we have any idea when these problems will be fixed - has been going on for far too long now. thanks

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  • 7ankash
    Starcaller supremacy not working, we spent useless money on her, we expect fix soon + compensation for the many bugs comes around
    xlover s158 . work on fix please the game is getting boring now , bugs and bugs

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  • Sidhe
    Good morning. Issue is known and they are trying to find a fix and solution for everyone. Until they do that, you can try the temporary fix they worked out until now: "try to remove a piece of equipment from the hero that still has a wrong skill in battle, re-equip and test; do not forget to refresh after each move". It worked for the ones who tried, it might be worth giving a try, too. Thank you.

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  • 3659
    Yes same thing when I look his agility is showing as normal - but when I looked at the battle logs before I posted them here his agility was wrong - Have put a screen shot of his page and his agility as shown here should be over 23,000.000. Sorry to be so long-winded about this but it is very strange

    Attached Files

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  • 3659
    Sorry again on checking the previous 2 battle logs LSS agility is showing as normal, have just done another battle with his agility wrong again here is the battle log - will see what happens when I look at this one - perhaps it is a glitch

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  • 3659
    Sorry, also my LSS agility is not registering properly - have checked everything and it seems ok - will try putting another battle log so you can see the difference.

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