after collecting all dailies hot events +consume regain rewards and on my other character tree personal rewards for 800 points along with 500k lucky points it counted me less than 400 points total for tycoon, to be exact 384 for this char and 366 for character that should get at least 100k points with those tree and luck points + consume regain, so i losing tycoon daily rewards, loosing rewards for place in tycoon and droping alot in positions.
and before you asking no i dont have screenshoot because i play on old pc and dont have program there that supporting limitation of file size this forum asking my chars names are solowingpixy and Pixy Wraith server uc27, sincethere is no use of sending reports to support because i didnt get any response for last 4 issue reported that way this is only way i can report it
try to fix this i dont want to lose things because of bugs
and before you asking no i dont have screenshoot because i play on old pc and dont have program there that supporting limitation of file size this forum asking my chars names are solowingpixy and Pixy Wraith server uc27, sincethere is no use of sending reports to support because i didnt get any response for last 4 issue reported that way this is only way i can report it
try to fix this i dont want to lose things because of bugs