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demonic war

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  • demonic war



    i guess i set this for nothing, so i get nothing. wow, just wow

  • #2
    Good morning, I believe that the DST changes, which occurred last Saturday, messed up the DW timing (it happens so each time, to my knowledge, some features are not working correctly first time after the Daylight Saving Time into or out of summer savings time). Once this cycle ends, you should be able to set again the dates, and times, as usual. For a next time, please post uncropped and unedited screenshots, with data and server name and number visible. Thank you.
    REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.


    • #3
      i cant post uncropped screenshots, it literally will not let me upload them cause it says its too big. maybe get someone to fix that too.


      • #4
        That is not requesting for "someone" to fix it. That is entirely your call, actually. You can take the screenshots and after simply use the paint features on your OS to resize it. Another option is to use Lightshot, take the screenshots, create the links or operate some changes on the taken ss. You also have the option to resize and/or compress the screenshots online, with any free app you find (it only takes to type in the search bar "resize/compress images"). I personally use Lightshot, img2go, postimage and paint. Win10 has an in-built feature, Snip&Sketch, which is also really very easy to use. I hope that these pieces of info are of help to you .
        REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.


        • #5
          yeah, no. i once spent 20 minutes trying to resize a picture just so i could upload it onto here cause it said it was "too big" and it was actually UNDER the size requirements. and this is why i hardly post a thread in this forum and just wait for someone else with the problem to report that my server is also experiencing these problems. and i do use lightshot, but i do not use the link function and i dont know how, and i aint gonna spend 30 minutes figuring it out. its just easier to SS the problem and show that, but next time i take sectionals of the entire screen for ya to prove that its my screen, even tho, why would someone lie about a problem, but ok


          • #6
            Good morning. I did not start any debate with you about how and why to post screenshots as to support your claim/s. It is in rules for opening a report and ... it is for all. If you use Lightshot as you say, it won't take those 30 minutes to post the link created, just press the little cloud on the side bar of application,and simply copy/paste the link inside your post. The screenshots are required for a first check so that all details to be at hand for the ones performing the check. As for the uncropped screenshots, I am sure it is not necessary to explain why they are needed. I believe that DW should be fixed with or after this cycle and everything will be just in order so that you are able to set your DW times as needed or required. Wish you a nice week to have and happy playing.
            REQUIRED INFO: Don't forget to provide your IGN, server name & number and screenshots for the issues & problems experienced. Recharge issues will require your transaction ID. Screenshots provided must be uncropped and timestamped.

