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Event bulles

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  • Event bulles

    Bonjour aujourd hui il y avait l evenement Bulles. Il n y est plus et j ai perdu 2750 bulles + des diamants et je ne suis pas la seule y en a un peu assez des buggs..j espere avoir mes bulles demain! et en ce qui concerne mon bugg Dragon Soul?

    Merci de nous apporteé un rapport et rendre les bulles.

    Venou s355

  • #2
    Dragon Soul is NOT a bug. I have explained this to you several times in your other thread. Dragon Souls was removed from the game, You cannot do Dragon Souls because it is not in the game right now. Ignore the icon in Little Helper.

    I have no idea what "bulles" is.

    We only provide assistance in English on the English forum. R2 Staff does have people who speak French on their team, and you can reach them by sending in a ticket. We also have the French platform team on Discord, and they would not mind helping translate, but it will have to be done on Discord. I invite you to Discord for further assistance.

    New R2 Community Discord Server:

    Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

    Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

    Rules of the Forum are found here.

    R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


    • #3
      Hello MemoryLane events is Happy sea sorry^^ merci pour ta réponse sur Dragon Soul c est ok Par contre j ai tout perdu mes common bubble soit 2700 et 150 diamants..aujourd hui cela est revenu mais je repart d en bas! Jétais au 12eme niveau on fait comment? j avais economisé moi pour cet evenements est ce que je dois économiser à nouveau? sachant qu il faut mini faire 3 Happy Sea. J espere avoir compensation pour votre bug merci!
      Cordialement s 355

      PS je ferais en sorte avec reverso d ecrire en anglais en esperant que vous me comprenniez. Bonne journée!
      Last edited by b.sylvia83; 04-01-2022, 12:59 AM.


      • #4
        This does not appear to be an issue everyone is having with the event, so you might need the devs to look at your account. Also, you have to request compensation directly from support, as I can only forward that there might be an issue, but I don't have the ability to compensate for that issue, if there is one. I would like you to send in a ticket to and include a screenshot of what is bugged, what you should have now, and what rewards you are missing.
        New R2 Community Discord Server:

        Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

        Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

        Rules of the Forum are found here.

        R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


        • #5
          hello and ty MemoryLane for you patience i sent a ticket whit screenshot of today because the icon HappySea had disappeared last night and i am not the only one in this case i just take the lead for roof those who have been blurred and lost their common bubble. Hoping for a quick return of the devs they just have to look at my account of yesterday.

          Venou s3555

          Ps j espere que j ai bien traduit j ai fais des efforts

