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GM?ADmins please read an respond

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  • GM?ADmins please read an respond

    The upadte scedualed for 29th is to add new stuff an fix few things why havent you guys been able to fix the domination bug an false guy in our arena thats been there for 4 months server s16-s19 also known as UA1 have not had domination an i have reported this issue every week since. not happy at all. when will domination be fixed for our server? as well as a false in our arena who has been there for the same time an we cant even use diamonds to refresh arena would love this long time bug fixed. an we have not recieved any compansation for this. an not to mention we have not been told weither its beeing looked at an when it might be fixed 4 MONTHS is long time with out domination on our server. ingame name HOTDOG

  • #2
    We have reported this issue multiple times.There seems to be a delay in getting this fixed but rest assured devs are trying their best to get these bugs fixed asap.
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