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a little help please

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  • a little help please

    started just today and i can't enjoy the game anymore...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	can't connect server.png
Views:	1
Size:	220.9 KB
ID:	1751437

    done clearing cookies cache and everything..

    my net is not the problem i can assure that..

    Click image for larger version

Name:	pingssss.png
Views:	1
Size:	873.6 KB
ID:	1751438

    a little help would be greatly appreciated...

  • #2
    it happens temporarily. if you have another browser, try that
    League of Angels

    S94 Lonewind Forest
    Magus Rynd


    • #3
      also with maxthon and IE8


      • #4
        Seams like an DNS issue , try flushing your DNS or change your browser . If that dose not work , change your internet provider .
        [Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : half of the people went the wrong way
        [Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : we merged with idiots


        • #5
          Originally posted by MaximusOrange View Post
          Seams like an DNS issue , try flushing your DNS or change your browser . If that dose not work , change your internet provider .
          1)Change Wireless adapter settings from network connections, go to properties>internet protocol version 4>again properties> change to use following dns server.preferred dns to and alternate dns as and click validate setting on exit and ok.

          2) if you are using windows7, disableMS WINDOWS VIRTUAL WIFI MINI PORT bu running below 2 commands in" RUN" (windows key+r) shortcut. one after another.
          1) netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
          2) netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow
          and after running above commands close RUN and go to network connections and DISABLE Microsoft virtual wifi miniport by right click and disable.

          3)If you are using google chrome go to OPTIONS> UNDER THE BONNET>CHANGE PROXY SETTINGS>CONNECTIONS>LAN AREA SETTINGS> Tick use a proxy server for lan and click ok.
          (if you are using some other browsers, check for similar option and change settings as above)

          additional solutions
          a) check for your anti virus firewall to minimum(if it is problem only)
          b)reset modem(only for advanced users who can once again set up connection settings)
          c)ping to router or a site to know the problem.

          Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. Right click on it and 'Run as Administrator'. Type the following and hit enter: ipconfig /flushdns

          tried it... never worked that long...after 10-15 mins of playing game freeze and if i refresh the page it says DNS somthing.... error... (that's when i'm using chrome and IE8) when using maxthon cloud only black screen which only derives to same error...

          and ohhh... tried playing on public cafe same issue.... and i did a screen shot of my ping.. as you can see above screenshot that my net is stable.

          anyway thanks for replying just wanna remind you. not that easy to change ISP.

          still waiting for some solid help with this issue... thanks!


          • #6
            here you can see the boxed part of the pics...

            1. i can do chat...
            2. if you'll notice i'm at the portal it's because i clicked loop quest but it's not popping up...
            3. the boxed part of my browser with an arrow pointing down thats my internet speed..

            Click image for larger version

Name:	in game.png
Views:	1
Size:	900.2 KB
ID:	1689395

            and when it did showed up!

            Click image for larger version

Name:	1.png
Views:	1
Size:	585.7 KB
ID:	1689396


            • #7
              do you know how to log off?


              • #8
                Originally posted by lilyb22 View Post
                do you know how to log off?
                huh?!? are you kidding?


                • #9
                  I wouldn't trust the post from the account you only has 3 posts.

                  Though I wonder how long that person has really been playing.
                  [S19] Bahold Castle - Solaria Luna - Warrior - Lv75
                  [S75] Secret Sanctum - Hunter - Lv38
                  League of Angels
                  [s147/ua25] Thane of Winter Sorceror - Lv79
                  Eternal Saga - Ranger - Retired
                  Lunaria Story - Elementalist - Pretty much retired

                  That being said character names in games I play is Solariai

