Hi , I am Temptress from the server Lost Invocations 
I am writing on behalf of the remaining people on the server, in hopes that you listen to our plea.
We are so low populated now it is hard to get even TA done . We struggle to get team dungeons groups.
Some quite game due to getting nothing done anymore .. we do not reach 20 people for world bosses anymore .
Can you please consider merging a server with us or opening recruitment for us, to our server.
I hope you read and look into this ongoing issue for our poor server, with very good people on it still.
Yours Truly

I am writing on behalf of the remaining people on the server, in hopes that you listen to our plea.
We are so low populated now it is hard to get even TA done . We struggle to get team dungeons groups.
Some quite game due to getting nothing done anymore .. we do not reach 20 people for world bosses anymore .
Can you please consider merging a server with us or opening recruitment for us, to our server.
I hope you read and look into this ongoing issue for our poor server, with very good people on it still.
Yours Truly