How long does it take for the order of diamonds to get through when purchasing diamonds with UltimatePoints?
Cause when I recharge using the code on the prepaid it goes through within a minute.
I ask cause of this:
...and well, I've been waiting for more than 10 minutes.
...and it's still like this:

...and my ultimate point total in the window still shows this:

I went through this process 2-3 times already. If you guys decide to take my ultimatepoints for the 1k diamonds take the latest charge that I made through the game and ignore the others.
Cause when I recharge using the code on the prepaid it goes through within a minute.
I ask cause of this:
UltimatePoints (UPoints) will also be shut down. The last day to redeem your UPoints will be October 31, 2014.
...and it's still like this:
...and my ultimate point total in the window still shows this:
I went through this process 2-3 times already. If you guys decide to take my ultimatepoints for the 1k diamonds take the latest charge that I made through the game and ignore the others.