I tried recharging with UltimatePoints 2-3 times already. (the last one I backed out 1/2 way through - that's where the screenshot of my UltimatePoints/Playspan-UltimatePay panel below was from)
I've waited 30 mins to over an hour for my Diamonds after the first couple recharges. (the 2nd time I tried recharging diamonds with UltimatePoints thinking it didn't go through)
...and it's still like this:

The order above the one I expanded is the one I did though the website to get the screenshot below. (I backed out halfway for that one.) The expanded one is the 2nd full purchase for 1k diamonds thinking the UPoints didn't go through. If UPoints are taken out it should be for the order I expanded the ones above and below that one should be ignored.
...and my ultimate point total in the window still shows this:
I've waited 30 mins to over an hour for my Diamonds after the first couple recharges. (the 2nd time I tried recharging diamonds with UltimatePoints thinking it didn't go through)
...and it's still like this:
The order above the one I expanded is the one I did though the website to get the screenshot below. (I backed out halfway for that one.) The expanded one is the 2nd full purchase for 1k diamonds thinking the UPoints didn't go through. If UPoints are taken out it should be for the order I expanded the ones above and below that one should be ignored.
...and my ultimate point total in the window still shows this: