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Super Armor and weapons

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  • Super Armor and weapons

    Now tell me if I'm wrong with this line of reasoning.

    On our server S211 Briarwall Keep at least 3 people all from the same guild have the following Armor and Weapon, Vidar's Blade, Genesis Battleplate, Hoder's Greave's and Idun's Ring. Before commenting on this topic look up the stats for the equipment first. The levels of the players 47, 52 and 54. I ran up against the 54 in CS and he could not be killed. 5 players at Levels between 48 thru 54 could not kill him hitting him one after another.

    Now don't get me wrong, it's cool armor, if you have the diamonds to spend to win the event that it was the prize pack for. The problem I see is that for all intent and purposes it is futile for anyone else to play on our server. These three players are already 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Clash. They are controlling Domination. They give what ever team they end up on in CS an unfair advantage. In single Arena, if anyone of them ends up as a player you have to fight to advance you will not advance, this has already happened to me once and I'm sure it will not be the last. If they are the guild you have to fight in Twilight you will lose and by the way they will always be the guild that will be fought for the top spot, unless they just don't show up. Also if all three were to be in the Server Boss battle and they usually are forget finishing in the top 3. Though I have not seen it yet I would bet they are not beat in CS Arena.

    My point is if the server is going to be dominated in this fashion, is it even worth playing the game any longer. What would be the point, there are no longer any attainable goals.

  • #2
    If always winning and being number one is where your fun comes from, you may have to factor in your wallet ... or rethink your strategy.

    At the moment, I'm L75 and usually somewhere between 7 and 9 on my server. I have found that the best strategy for climbing the ranks of your server to be a simple one: time. Show up, do your dailies. Save your gem energy cards, save your vouchers. When HOC, Angel Quiz, Wheel of Luck come around, sit them out a few times and collect as many draws/spins/vouchers as possible, then use them when you have enough to get the prizes you want. Do offers to recharge diamonds, if your country is good for that. Watching 1 video and spending the 2 DIA to plant one gold seed is all it takes to see a nice little return every day.

    I'm VIP but don't put any other cash into the game. Here's what I've managed to attain:

    Natural Wings
    Glacial Wolf
    Blade Wings
    Dragonblood Drapes (our guild chooses one member to give the most roses to each event and they picked me :-** )
    Squires' Steed, from offers
    Royal Steed at reduced price of 199 dia, gotten in 2 days from offers, ==> Majestic Steed
    Aoede, with help from offer dia
    Amora, with help from offer dia
    And yes, because I saved and strategized, the breastplate, weapon, boots and ring from the last Tycoon.

    My server is older than yours, so you'll need time to save, if you want to. But it *can* be done. Consider other goals besides being number one: getting Amora, for example, was huge for me personally, and I've chosen to fight with Atalanta instead of Bones or Claw just to see how far I can take her. Maybe forget about the top 2 or 3 you'll never catch or beat, or that person in TA with Hecate or Earthshaker, and rate yourself instead against other players who play more like you do.

    With all the ways to enhance/customize/configure heros and angels and new features coming out, I find the game more interesting than ever as my server matures. You clearly enjoy the game and are very knowledgeable about it and how the new armor has affected it, so stick around as long as it's fun for you! and look around for some new attainable goals. You'll find them, I think. :-)


    • #3
      As I see, that level 54 probably has above average stats that’s why no matter how many players of the same level bracket hit him, he cannot be killed. I myself can withstand multiple attacks from my level bracket.

      Godly gears are achievable without diamonds; lots of players get it without spending anything. Your server is new, so don’t expect much in a CS Event especially if you are just a free player.

      With regards to the 3 players controlling the server, I really don’t see any problem with that, since all servers have players controlling Domination, Twilight Clash and World Boss. As the one commenter above says, if you want to win and control your server, you need to factor in your wallet or strategy.

      And a suggestion, “IF YOU CANNOT DEFEAT THEM, JOIN THEM.” That pretty much solves your problems.


      • #4
        lol. this tread kinda like dejavu to me.
        back in s14. many players quit due to the opness of my former guild predator. we were number one every single week. most of our member are on top 10-20. even WB didnt have a chance to kill our boss, PB. untill now lol.

        so, basically, all games (chinese based browser mmo) are p2w. cash and crush. what the point to play then? for me i play for fun, i dont spend huge amount of money just to become top at the ladder. afterall, this is just a game.

        bact to topic, for me the balance of this game are gone now because "no rage" hero.
        Now Playing ~ Shadowbound [S13] - Hunter

        played games so far (in many different account) ~ Crystal Saga, Wartune, Broken Realm, Eternal Saga, Dragon Pals, Yitien, Blade Hunter (alpha), Lunaria Story, League of Angels, Monkey King Online, Crusader of Solaris, Shadowbound, Mythborne (alpha), Stormthrone (alpha) more list to come


        • #5
          I used to be roughly 500k br behind our rank 1 player when I was 47-54. Now I'm a contender for first place in clash as a free player (with hot summer set and phoenix wings and almost 2 sets of godly gear). People keep forgetting that games like these require time and patience. If you don't have those you can't expect to compete for the top.

          and to R251750293, extra attack attempts in spire and zodiac cost 1 diamond
          Last edited by Painindaback; 08-29-2014, 03:33 AM.
          <--- 700k+ BR Claw

          everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


          • #6
            Ooh! thanks.

            I started playing back in February, on S50something. We had a huge casher who bought or won everything - every hero, every mount, every gear - crushed everyone, shut out everyone in WB night after night buying extra attempts ... and was one of the first to quit.

            I'd only say this here anonymously, but the truth is: it was kind of pathetic. I'm not saying all cashers are pathetic!! and I don't know how he saw it, but he basically became a joke to us, especially in WB. I don't know what other guilds thought because I didn't ask, but in my guild, of very nice and polite people, we found him laughable. (I did try to get to know him, fwiw, but either we didn't share a common language or he felt other players weren't worth talking to.)

            He's long gone now. I think it's possible that heavy cashers, =====> long-term <=====, don't get as much out of the game as free/nearly free players do. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have had a zillion dollars for Amora when my server was new ... but because I put time and effort into the game instead of simply money, I'm very invested in what I have, very satisfied by it, and possibly a better player. There are thoughtful cashers who stick around, bother to learn the game, and play strategically ... and there's the guy who drops a couple thou and is gone within 6-8 weeks, max.

            When you see a bunch of players on the server doing that, right at first, and especially when you yourself are leveling and advancing so quickly, it's easy to get caught up in wanting to be high-ranking and powerful. Over time, though, as leveling gets harder and the big cashers abandon the game, it becomes much more fun to focus on what you have and how best to use it. The game will throw stuff at you for free or cheap; it just takes time. Those big cashers bugging you now? You'll be taking on the shells they leave behind in the arena, and someday you'll beat them, and eventually you will flick them off like flies. At least that has been my experience.

            So, two very different psychologies: cash, bash, and win win win, or taking a longer view. I think the cash route is probably a lot of fun, but from what I've seen from the big cashers on my server, it gets old fast. I guess one way isn't really "better" than the other -- it's just two different approaches to the game and two kinds of satisfaction. The difference is the casher "satisfaction" comes more quickly.


            • #7
              just move slowly, the one stay in the end is the strongest


              • #8
                Good comments one and all, thanks for the reality check!


                • #9
                  if u dont quit , u win , this is more a game of patience than anything esle , have seen so many hardcore casher quits . i started beliving that instead of becoming non casher they rather quit when they notice on what they fall in .


                  • #10
                    all i need to say is if you dont wanna spend any $$, then you should patient. that the rule in all online games.
                    i just wanna say when you encountered with this game, you had fun right. then you have to keep that as long as you play the game.
                    that would build your mental to grow strong. ^^


                    • #11
                      stick it out. im a free to play player and have all these + the sword, armor, helm ect. U dont need $ to get these just have to be smart during Tyccons

