Well it has been more than a month since our server merge, and at first things were going quite nicely in ua19, until one head of the top guild decided on a very stupid course of action.
You see, this is the type of player who just has to always win TC, he has to have the top guild and the rest of the domain be damned.
So, he lured the top 3 players to his guild, and a few others followed. Why, just because they wanted to win TC.
Well, now they do, every time, without contest, because when one player can totally dominate TC and no others are strong enough to challenge him, because the top players who could are now also on his team...
...the obvious result occurs, TC is no contest, and now more players are quitting the newly merged domain.
Congrats, way to kill the domain.
Let this stand as a warning to everybody out there on how NOT to play the game.
Guys, we are all here to have fun and be challenged, and it is fun to HAVE a challenge, especially in TC.
We all how how boring it is in the CS when one team is seriously outmatched by the other. It is boring, and nobody enjoys that.
So instead of following this moron's example, keep your guilds challenging and balanced, have fun, enjoy the game, and enjoy the challenge.
Otherwise you will end up in a domain like I am in, while yes we have alot of strong players, and the teams we made for the TT did well, making our domain the 2nd strongest to fight in TT, in all other aspects our newly merged domain is back on the course of death.
Now the remaining players are going to have to hang on, find ways to enjoy the game until enough leave that we can once again be subject to another merge.
Hopefully by then the moron who has worked to kill the newly merged domain will have left the game and we can once again, if there is anybody left that is, enjoy guild battles and enjoy the domain with new players after our 2nd merge.
More to come, when this domain is on its death throes...
You see, this is the type of player who just has to always win TC, he has to have the top guild and the rest of the domain be damned.
So, he lured the top 3 players to his guild, and a few others followed. Why, just because they wanted to win TC.
Well, now they do, every time, without contest, because when one player can totally dominate TC and no others are strong enough to challenge him, because the top players who could are now also on his team...
...the obvious result occurs, TC is no contest, and now more players are quitting the newly merged domain.
Congrats, way to kill the domain.
Let this stand as a warning to everybody out there on how NOT to play the game.
Guys, we are all here to have fun and be challenged, and it is fun to HAVE a challenge, especially in TC.
We all how how boring it is in the CS when one team is seriously outmatched by the other. It is boring, and nobody enjoys that.
So instead of following this moron's example, keep your guilds challenging and balanced, have fun, enjoy the game, and enjoy the challenge.
Otherwise you will end up in a domain like I am in, while yes we have alot of strong players, and the teams we made for the TT did well, making our domain the 2nd strongest to fight in TT, in all other aspects our newly merged domain is back on the course of death.
Now the remaining players are going to have to hang on, find ways to enjoy the game until enough leave that we can once again be subject to another merge.
Hopefully by then the moron who has worked to kill the newly merged domain will have left the game and we can once again, if there is anybody left that is, enjoy guild battles and enjoy the domain with new players after our 2nd merge.
More to come, when this domain is on its death throes...