Thanks for the suggestions people, Hecate shall be :>
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Hecate vs Light Envoy.
you need better TANK.. dont rush for new hero.. if you face OP claw like mine your team will die fast.
so better boost your team BR not only main.. coz claw will eat your can swap on next HOC large.. dont rush for it..
you need to boost your team HP def and attack,think twice before you CLICK.. LOL!
im Claire from s89
Originally posted by Ghost443 View PostOh my, I dunno who to reply too.
I am the tank and damager of my team.
I do split somewhat equally for my heroes.
Luna is coming out but she's weaker than hecate since she consumes rage right?
just focus only 1 hero... if you go hecate then focus on hecate...
Originally posted by R2770413 View Postwrong move if you equally share resources all your hero will be weak... =)
just focus only 1 hero... if you go hecate then focus on hecate...
hahaha its not wrong move.. since i got all my heroes high def and high life and attack.. it can make your team last long.. you wouldnt die fast.
you can see my team on CS tournament, and i think its not a bad idea to have all your hero high br.
5 is better than 1.
Originally posted by Stars1 View Posthahaha its not wrong move.. since i got all my heroes high def and high life and attack.. it can make your team last long.. you wouldnt die fast.
you can see my team on CS tournament, and i think its not a bad idea to have all your hero high br.
5 is better than 1.League of Angels
S94 Lonewind Forest
Magus Rynd
Originally posted by MagusRynd View Postyou didnt get the basic premise. when we said spending resources on one hero is better than spending resources on four, we assume that we have same amount of resources in both cases. ofc if a team has one hero of 400k BR and other team has four heroes of 400k BR, latter is obviously better :P but a team with a 400k hero is in almost all cases better than a team with four 100k heroes :P
example my claw VS 4 heroes with 600k br... my claw is 432k br... -_- get my point? this is for star1