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BIG UPDATE vs Idi*** ! for realy !

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  • BIG UPDATE vs Idi*** ! for realy !

    Is all about Cross Server ... now is 7vs7 and is perfect... but make a script or some-thing vs AFK players... idk why they join if they stay afk...
    Make some-thing when some1 join in CS.. if he stay more than 1min or 1.30 AFK kick him and give me 2 hours CD till next CS... maybe will that they stop join and do nothing...i can't play 2 vs 7 cuz 5 from my team are very very idi***.. realy ...
    When is Event with CS Slaughter how i can win 3 in a row if in exatly 3rd CS i play alone vs all...

  • #2
    300-400 honor per CS that u have 100 points in them... and no one will want to join in half done CS on lose side
    Lord 'de la juNk'


    • #3
      ok.. you are right .. then ban them from CS.. if some1 stay AFK in more than 3 CS and not in a row... ban then permanently in doing CS ...


      • #4
        why play cs when your just gonna get slaughtered better off to just afk it lol. any one who has come into lvl 55 cs knows that pain till you get 61+


        • #5
          whats the point to try in cs when you see its lost? when from those 7 are 3 on side mine? so rather do just 80 points and watch some anime meanwhile..


          • #6
            lol its the players choice to be afk after they got 80 points...but the thing you need to suggest is to remove the big annoying chest in the middle of the base,,,since you can click the small icon chest on the left side already so this annoying chest has no use


            • #7
              Why bother playing at all if you're just going afk. Yes its your choice ot afk but you're screwing up the team by doing so. You're being a selfish ***** for doing that. Learn to respect your team and not just yourself.


              • #8
                lol i did lose many cs fights sir coz of this afk but i never mind coz you were included on a random team and you can never choose a meaning there is no point in whining here sir coz as i said its their choice, you get annoyed or angry but its only bad luck having in a team like that...again the devs only randomize a blue and red team out of those who queued so after that its the players choice to win or lose lol... and btw before the cs starts out of 40+ secs ask your teammate to respect your team and not be afk...hope you get all 6 players answer as yes Mr Roblox sir...

