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Failing a fight without actually losing????

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  • Failing a fight without actually losing????

    After seeing this twice in two days I figured out that there is currently a # of rounds limit for every battle in the game. Yesterday I was fighting 11-1 spire for the 100th time this week and was doing much better than usual. I got down to the last guy and all of a sudden it said I failed. I still had over half my HP's left. Today I was doing a zodiac nightmare level and it happened yet again. This time I had full HP left. I understand that some battles could theoretically last forever if you have hecate but maybe install a "I Give Up" button so the player can choose to quit the battle. It's completely frustrating to almost beat a level you've been trying to beat a long time only to have the system force you to fail. I know it won't change but I was just giving my two cents.

  • #2
    Ye i failed like this many times at Pisces.... Needed to grew in power to be able to kill him.


    • #3
      theres now a timer(# of rounds) that a battle can last.. I find it annoying as well especially in pvp, as of now I believe its the person on the right side that always wins if timer is up right?
      have lost a lot of figts against ppl like that (Hecate+main char on high dodge) I think it should be whoever has more hp at the end of timer that wins the match...seems more fair


      • #4
        Or can any GM enlighten us how they select who will win in TA or whatever or even domination if both parties didn't die and one side just lose the game. Is it by drawing lots?
        Server : S28 Dozers
        Ign : isnowy


        • #5
          i had this recently in tournament. my main, and hecate, against their main with equipment that heals hp, and i get the fail, even though i have 2 party members still alive, against his 1?

