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S91 Server merge

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  • S91 Server merge

    Hi guys,

    I've been chatting up with many PPL from S91 - FIREBLADE RIDGE.

    And all as one we think server needs to be merged with relativly high/low server, as the game gets too boring. There is no chance of having a REAL TC as every single time there are 1-6(max) players in opponent or our team.

    And all we see is same ppl every single event...

    as a matter of fact many ppl are ready to leave the game just due to inactive players, very few ppl are still active and willing to play.

    WB with max 20 -25 ppl
    Gountlets 4-6 -/+

    And as i know good few ppl from there are spending decent amount of cash so i think u could rly try to give something back to these ppl ( as this wouldnt couse any trouble.

    So instead of makin houndreds of servers would u mind helpin us out? ( as there is rly no need for 2-300 or even more servers)

    So could any GM'S give us a quick response - with what can be done!@?!?

    Tnx in advance

    S91 - Team
    Last edited by veicis; 09-10-2014, 03:12 PM. Reason: misspelling
    The Godless Wolf appears once in a thousand years. When he does appear, the entire world cowers in fear. This wild beast believes in nothing but the complete destruction of everything that is, was and ever will be. the gods are extremely proud of the raw power within the animal they had created, wanted to tame this frightening beast. Refusing to be told what to do, the Godless Wolf escaped, and vowed to never subdue his rage until every god was destroyed.

  • #2
    Yes. S91 need to be merged. No fun here anymore.


    • #3
      Merge? its a good idea for this server. S91 is dying. really need new people here. a lot of people is leaving because there is no fun and no competition. i want merge and i think all server want it too.


      • #4
        yes a merge would be good


        • #5
          YA guys this serwer need to be merged becouse there is no fun anymore wery low ppls online i think if you merge it its can be more fun ofc need to merge wery similar servers not like s1 with s200 becouse this will be not so smart best way like 88-92 in these ways i think alot off ppls agree with us so cmon guys you can figured it out do something or these servers gona DIE !!!!
          Last edited by Curseofdead; 09-10-2014, 03:11 PM.


          • #6
            Yes. S91 need to be merged PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            • #7
              agree.....i think will be a good idea


              • #8
                S91 need to be merged. No fun here anymore. No more active guilds even in top ones less then 10-20 players active at all. Always the same people in events....


                • #9
                  Merger might not be a bad idea . Many guilds no longer participate in events due to low number of actives in their line-up . Certain times of the day/night it is hard to get players to help with TA ,TD or Inferno . TC I think we are down to 4 guilds participating . As for W B if we merged with other server PLEASE do something about them they are to weak now with more players you would be lucky to hit 1 time per boss .
                  Thank You . Lokissa S91 .


                  • #10
                    merge s 144 (piratical parlay )...plz....only 1 - 3 active players


                    • #11
                      I agree with my server mates, the server needs a merge since we lack the activity and even the players that are still active get bored by day and most giving up because of that. Really there is no point in opening like 1000 servers, better have 100 full


                      • #12
                        I also agree with server comments and am glad the thread has been started as "we" i mean the lil few of us left here ...are all dedicated players and put alot of effort into game and would be sad to just have all these good players just leaving because of boredom or not being able to get their daily tasks done....

                        for instance its now 19.37pm here and i still have inferno to do but i doubt i will get a team as there is so little of us left its hard to get teams for just the basic tasks like TD or Inferno and yesterday i couldnt do Team Arena in morning because there was only like 4 teams and all full and noone else need !!!! Twilight Clash has become like a chore and not fun or exciting anymore because so little players show -_-

                        I would presume servers from S80-S100 are all in the same boat so why not start merging some together so things stay alive and players dont start leaving for good from LOA

                        Hope someone takes notice of these forum posts and mayb someone can respond and at least let us know is there any plans in the works ?



                        • #13
                          Hey guys,

                          I understand u have been extremely busy now as server has been down for a while.
                          But could we get any response? would be much appriciated.


                          The Godless Wolf appears once in a thousand years. When he does appear, the entire world cowers in fear. This wild beast believes in nothing but the complete destruction of everything that is, was and ever will be. the gods are extremely proud of the raw power within the animal they had created, wanted to tame this frightening beast. Refusing to be told what to do, the Godless Wolf escaped, and vowed to never subdue his rage until every god was destroyed.


                          • #14
                            Here is any news? S91 desperately need a merge! They better open new servers than fix old ones. People leave not just this server but all LOA. They dont see the point play here anymore if admins dont do anything. So many servers asking about merge but no response from admins.


                            • #15
                              i am from s91 - and I DO NOT want a merge - so DO NOT say all want a merge

