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Light Envoy

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  • Light Envoy

    Could someone post a report where Light envoy dies and her buff disappears? Need it for a report
    <--- 700k+ BR Claw

    everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.

  • #2
    Guess I'll have to find a way to report the bug myself
    <--- 700k+ BR Claw

    everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


    • #3
      dont have any LE on my server, so cant help
      League of Angels

      S94 Lonewind Forest
      Magus Rynd


      • #4
        I just tried and when Light Envoy dies the buff remains till it expires.


        • #5
          Originally posted by LylithIT View Post
          I just tried and when Light Envoy dies the buff remains till it expires.
          That's why I need the battle report so I can report it to the developers
          <--- 700k+ BR Claw

          everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Painindaback View Post
            That's why I need the battle report so I can report it to the developers
            I'm confused about what you should report? Light envoy buffs ... dies .. the buff remains till it expires.... isn't that how it's supposed to work?


            • #7
              Originally posted by LylithIT View Post
              I'm confused about what you should report? Light envoy buffs ... dies .. the buff remains till it expires.... isn't that how it's supposed to work?
              Nvm, read wrong what you wrote in your previous post. And as far as I know it doesn't expire, unless it's changed. Few days ago a guy with 1.1 mln hp got buffed by Light Envoy and the hp got up to 1.4 mln. Next turn light envoy died and for the remaining of the fight (timed out) his hp was 1.4 mln.
              <--- 700k+ BR Claw

              everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


              • #8
                maybe is bugged like Seraph helm skill , but atleast it dont stack


                • #9
                  Originally posted by R278977156
                  maybe that HP buff doesn't have duration?
                  it says '2 turns' in skill description
                  League of Angels

                  S94 Lonewind Forest
                  Magus Rynd


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ohkitsune View Post
                    maybe is bugged like Seraph helm skill , but atleast it dont stack
                    which helm's debuff stacks? seraph's or archangel's?
                    League of Angels

                    S94 Lonewind Forest
                    Magus Rynd


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MagusRynd View Post
                      which helm's debuff stacks? seraph's or archangel's?
                      Both probably, that fight I mentioned last that long, because a hero with 500k BR was doing 30k crits towards the end
                      <--- 700k+ BR Claw

                      everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Painindaback View Post
                        Both probably, that fight I mentioned last that long, because a hero with 500k BR was doing 30k crits towards the end
                        dang thats aweful
                        League of Angels

                        S94 Lonewind Forest
                        Magus Rynd


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MagusRynd View Post
                          dang thats aweful
                          i know from experience seraph atleast , playing on new server so only have it , and domination is won by who is on the defending side , because i was a idiot i cant ratake top1 on CoM now


                          • #14
                            Well, had another figth against a Light Envoy, but since it was in TA again the report was bugged. But I can confirm that neither the hp, nor the ATK/AGL buffs disappear (the icons do, the buffs don't).
                            Could still use a battle report that works, if people aren't scared that it might (considering the devs' professionalism) get fixed
                            Last edited by Painindaback; 09-16-2014, 11:00 AM.
                            <--- 700k+ BR Claw

                            everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Painindaback View Post
                              Well, had another figth against a Light Envoy, but since it was in TA again the report was bugged. But I can confirm that neither the hp, nor the ATK/AGL buffs disappear (the icons do, the buffs don't).
                              Could still use a battle report that works, if people aren't scared that it might (considering the devs' professionalism) get fixed
                              what will be next.... this is getting sad , on my server Domination winner is based on who is on defending side...

