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Guardian Angel

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  • Guardian Angel

    Should my guardian be the one with the most BR? Or should the one with most BR be deployed and in battle?

  • #2
    depends a lot on your level and BR. in earlier stages, angels are deciding factor, so one should go for highest BR angel as main. in later stages, when parties have over 700k HP and DEF is so high that angels do only bou 25k-50k dmg, making yer highest BR angel yer guardian is better in my opinion. also cus cherubstones amplify that BR
    Last edited by MagusRynd; 09-12-2014, 12:52 PM.
    League of Angels

    S94 Lonewind Forest
    Magus Rynd


    • #3
      The angel's halo is also a crucial part on choosing what angel to deploy.


      • #4
        after 61´s angels might start to die , at 60 ppl unlock better gear , DS , 61 red heroes , at that point u can start using your main angel as GA and one u like his halo for deploy


        • #5
          Very helpful answer, thank you everyone


          • #6
            it like magusrynd says... under 700-800k BR angel is still crucial part to decide who would win. but in anvanced battle ( over 1mil BR), the role of angel just to give aegis skill.
            dont depend on angel deal a great damage lol


            • #7
              I'm level 68, and my party has 750k BR. My best angel is currently lvl 70, majestic Aeode with 121k BR.
              My main heros guardian angel is lvl 64 Nyssa, majestic and 107k BR with a lvl 9 Cherub stone.

              Theres not really a huge difference between them, maybe 10k at most if I swapped them round.

              I still prefer to use Aeode as main angel because her Halo gives 1k extra hit for my claw.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MagusRynd View Post
                in later stages, when parties have over 700k HP and DEF is so high that angels do only bou 25k-50k dmg,
                That's true now. Wonder how it'll be when more ppl will get more demonflame/ironsoul skil active (increase angel rage) and more covenant buffs for angel (also +25 rage at start for angel blessing). For now it's veerrry far apart from very few people but i'm curious to see angels attacking every round :P

