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Idea for new feature(KIDS)

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  • Idea for new feature(KIDS)

    Dear players, since we already have the marriage feature in game, I think it will be awesome to be able to have kids too. Kids will make the game more interesting and the players more competitive. That would be nice to have a kid, can train him, see our BR raising and him growing. For example we can have a kid after being married and raised our affection above a certain lvl. Kids can also have gear, gems etc. If you like the idea, feel free to rate this post and reply with your ideas/ suggestions.
    SERVER NAME:[S17] Guardian Angels

  • #2
    where did u get this idea from?
    It's important to make people happy, but you got to start by yourself


    • #3
      why do u ask?i see it funny and a good way to raise BR P.S: its the only game i play..if thats what u have in mind.
      SERVER NAME:[S17] Guardian Angels


      • #4
        This feature is available in the other r2games game "Yitien", it's kinda good but . . . . also weird seeing it in this game. . . .
        But i also think that it'll be really really fun and interesting, although i think the kid being able to wear equipments is too much though.
        Last edited by Einns; 09-13-2014, 09:35 PM.


        • #5
          how about take other player as child and share % streng?


          • #6
            the only game I played that have kids is Ragnarok and it was a long time ago....lmao


            • #7
              what do you think the game it is? harvest moon? lmao

              and what do you suggestion for future? we have to polygami, then the stats increasing for double? lol lol


              • #8
                Originally posted by anjingiblis View Post
                what do you think the game it is? harvest moon? lmao

                and what do you suggestion for future? we have to polygami, then the stats increasing for double? lol lol
                hahahaha polygami...

                well kids idea is cute but maybe not really suitable for this game even I dont mine to have one lol or make that affection level in a kid form? the higher affection level the more the kid grows? won't make any changes just more entertaining visually...
                Originally posted by Henry Miller
                There are only three things to be done with a woman. You can love her, suffer for her, or turn her into literature.



                • #9
                  the fact that other games has this feature it doesnt make the idea seems bad,other games has marriage too for example. I would like to think that we are all here to expose our ideas not only to criticize. It was only an idea,who likes it can agree,who dont, can also expose his oppinion. As i said,for me it's a nice opportunity to improve the game and for us,the players,be more competitive.
                  SERVER NAME:[S17] Guardian Angels


                  • #10
                    i state that idea on some threads before, so i support it here as well, kids can have combinated skills from both "parents" ( for example icy jab and regen frenzy if "parents" are berseker and mystic) and use it in battlefield on 6th spot or support back up with healing skills from deep back like fairy
                    that will open so much new options depend if that and how will be implemented
                    S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                    now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                    Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                    UC 27 current server

                    You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                    • #11
                      interesting, maybe like a pet if you grow or make your kids happy you will have some benefits or new skill


                      • #12
                        hehehe OMG! And if we could have more kids, then we could become something like a family mafia... like Sopranos!
                        It would be like my maffia house vs your maffia house etc
                        I think it would be much better that a couple can adopt some magic creature - like a dragon or a phoenix ....and buid their stats and BR together and have that creature in a battle like a great support.

