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Team Arena

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  • Team Arena

    Anyone else fed up by the whole matching system in team arena? It is badly calculated why when my party is only 700k BR total do I have to suffer 10 looses to parties with a total BR of 1mil and over. Please change the way the match ups occur, do it on BR or some better capping of levels. Frequently you see a lvl 70 with lower levels sponging easy wins because the system is completely flawed.

    Please sort this out. May make the whole TA more fun and match us correct not completely skewed towards massive cashers of free loading the system.

  • #2
    There are level brackets for TA it is not based on BR. I'm not sure but i think 0-149 lvl, 150-179 lvl, 180-209 lvl and 210+. So if you want easier opponents try to make a lower level party.

