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Awesome Tycoon
There are 3 hard rechargers on my server, but I don't think any of them will make it to 60k when our best lvl is lvl 56 lol :P
Is it pssible to get to 60k at lvl 55, with 6x50, 86x10, and 15x5 energy? (1235 energy)Last edited by Shanrou; 10-04-2014, 12:48 PM.League of Angels
S96 Alanna
Beserker lvl 71
Fortuna lvl 85
Sterling Moonbeam
Night Sentinel (Backup)/Beserker Claw/Neredia/Astral Hunter/Valkyrie
850k BR+
Guild: LegendaryBlood and Jade
S66 Shanrou lvl 66
War Urso 7*
45k BR+
Guild: Eternal
Originally posted by palakacelo23 View Posthahaha bye bye cs tycoon i'll use all my gemo cards for server tycoon to get that pandoraAlanna
Beserker lvl 73
980K BR
Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
Guild: Legendary
Lilya Lita
Mystic lvl 72
1.1M BR
Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni
Originally posted by Shanrou View PostThere are 3 hard rechargers on my server, but I don't think any of them will make it to 60k when our best lvl is lvl 56 lol :P
Is it pssible to get to 60k at lvl 55, with 6x50, 86x10, and 15x5 energy? (1235 energy)