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  • Cheater??

    Ok like the title said i think i challenged some cheaters in Cross Server and wanted to know what you guys think? Am i right? Or is there a special function i dont know.
    My BR: 1182000
    Mainchar: 305000 BR
    King of Bones: 211000 BR
    Berserker Claw: 193000 BR
    Blazing Phantom: 176000 BR
    Djinni: 152000 BR
    active Angels: Nyssa (138000 BR)
    Aegis: Aquarius lvl 5
    First Situation:

    I joined CS. After beginning i ran in the middle to capture the Ore. But a player with something around 50k BR less then mine attacked me. Ok i lost and make him over a million damage. So far no problem. Then after revive i go again in the middle. His HP bar is down to 2/3. i Attack again and i only make 250k Damage to him and die. Ok now i thought *** is that?? After revive i go to the middle and attack again. His HP bar is under 50%. So i attack and what did i see? i make only 28k Damage to him and die. Ok that isnt nearly normal i thought. Again after revive i go to the Middle and Attack. This time my damage on him is 20k Damage before i die. So how is this possible? I had full HP in every battle. And in the last battle his HP bar was on 1/3 and i got the buff for 20% more HP and 25% more attack. And still only 20k Damage on someone who had 50K BR less then me and only 1/3 of his HP.

    Second Situation:

    I joined a running CS. On the way to the bottom Mine a player with a little bit more then 500k BR attack me. Well he lost 80k HP and i died. I Thought again ***??? After revive i attacked that player and again i died but i only maked 50k damage. And he only had 50% Life before the fight.

    Third Situation:

    Same CS as Situation 2. This time it was a player with under 500k BR and something around 60% HP. I attacked him. He taked 90k Damage and i died. After this fight the CS was nearly over and i talked with the other players in my team about those two player. They said that something like that happens to them too and that its really strange.

    So is this normal? Are this three Players Pro? Or did they cheat? Please let me now. But please be nice. Its just a little discussion because i dont understand what happenend there.

  • #2
    nop,no cheat, hecate+ strong main, or main with huge dodge+heal wep or both... i think

    [S22] King of All Orcs


    • #3
      That is normal. If ur around 1.5-2 million Br and u have a decent party and fight me. That is what you will see.

      My main has 23k+ dodge. So basically if u can survive long enough in a fight with me then u will kill my support heros and it will show as some hp of mine being taken away. And then next time u fight. If some of my support hero that didnt die the first time dies this time, then some more hp will be gone but this will be significantly less since there are not many left. Then the next time u fight me, i wont lose hp because u cannot even touch my main and since all my support died already, there is not anything to lose.

      This fits what u described for first situation. So either that player had high dodge main or high dodge hero. Pick one and check again next time and u will see.

      The second and third situation are just the players were running around without hero when u attacked. Either they didnt bring any or they died off from someones attack. All about dodge man.
      Last edited by uxu4n; 10-14-2014, 03:07 PM.
      This is Eisia


      • #4
        This can be the reasons if you don't have high hit yet:

        1st Situation:

        You did so much damage to him at your 1st attack because all his Heroes where still alive
        after that he probably had only an high dodge Main char so you didn't/rarely hit him.

        2nd Situation:

        Those 500k br players are most of the times only playing with Main that has high BR + a lot of Dodge.


        • #5
          ok i thought something about Dodge for the first Situation. To second and third they had a complete Party. Not only Mainchar.


          • #6
            Instead of seeing only the damage . u could have just unlogged and watch the battle .. /whats the problem to do that when u died only so many times and saw only damage


            • #7
              that means you're just bad at making character and party set up


              • #8
                Doesn't sound like a cheater to me, sound like this person really knows how to play the game.


                • #9
                  if i was mod i would close every thread like this , i think i never seen a legit accusation of someone being cheater .


                  • #10
                    you should know that 50k BR difference is no difference at all when youre over 1M in BR.
                    League of Angels

                    S94 Lonewind Forest
                    Magus Rynd


                    • #11
                      50K BR? BR means nothing, all depends on build and strategy. Even I ever lose from 400K BR lower in CS and I know that person not cheating.
                      Originally posted by Henry Miller
                      There are only three things to be done with a woman. You can love her, suffer for her, or turn her into literature.



                      • #12
                        Not a cheater unless you can provide proper proof. Screenshot or battle report. Thread closed

                        Happy Chinese New Year!

