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dragonsoul expeirence bug

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  • dragonsoul expeirence bug

    hello why i cant give the experience of higher dragonsoul to a lower 1 for change of stat......example: i have a lvl 8 everburn and i want to give the experience to a lvl 1 infinite but for some mysterius reason devlepor decided we cant do that!!

    SO NOW EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I CANT??? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG IT TAKE TO MAKE ORANGE DRAGONSOUL LVL8 WHY THE **** I CANT DO WHAT I WANT WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! give me realy good reason for why i cant i expect a respond for that from a moderator!!!
    ganicus s4 lunaria grace guild HelloKitty

  • #2
    so no 1 going to give me answerd for that???
    ganicus s4 lunaria grace guild HelloKitty


    • #3
      Originally posted by gannicuss4 View Post
      so no 1 going to give me answerd for that???
      OMG, everyone stop what they are doing because a post didnt get answered after 30 minutes of it getting posted. ever hear of patience and the fact that maybe someone not sitting there waiting anxiously for every post every minute of the day.


      • #4
        Because it is how it works! Ever click help button in DS page? It said "High quality Dragonsould can devour low quality Dragonsouls of the same element for EXP"

        You should level up the dragonsoul you needed not the back up. Higher quality one will 'eat' lower quality based by color;and by level if they're same colored.

        For your lv 8 yellow there's 2 ways to devour it.
        1. Keep it somewhere til you can make your infinite higher and devour later
        2. Get the ruby quality, lv1 ruby can absorb any level of yellow

        It is not easy but it is how dragonsouls work. Next time be careful on what dragonsoul you build.
        Originally posted by Henry Miller
        There are only three things to be done with a woman. You can love her, suffer for her, or turn her into literature.


