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Game bugged!

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  • Game bugged!

    I just spent 250 diamonds on alchemy for nothing because the game is bugged. I had better use for those diamonds but instead i have lost them on alchemy because you cant fix the bugs properly. I want a refund on those diamonds. Also i did not collect from VIP but when i opened to collect,it was already collected. Here's some print screens.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	1759522Click image for larger version

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ID:	1759523

    I know its alot to work but if you want to keep customers happy, fix the bugs. I am not happy with losing 250 diamonds, it maybe be a small amount for you but it isnt for me so have the decency to refund the diamonds.

  • #2
    Yeah I had the same problem with alchemy, also I made a thread about VIP but no one has responded or even let the devs know that they passed the word on.


    • #3
      TW Alchemy Vip bugged due to time change!!

      You keep deleting my posts about flaming rl and gta but hey no info about the alchemy and twilight bugs. not to forget about vip too...but keep deleting my posts and keep people obedient sheeps cashers


      • #4
        I don't see what the time change could bug.......
        s56 Starcrest Mountains

        “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


        • #5
          The daily reset time whas affected by this.


          • #6
            Originally posted by InverSe619 View Post
            The daily reset time whas affected by this.
            Oh? I play on US East server and my reset time is not changed yet. Okay, I am actually from East Europe, so it comes 1 hour earlier for me now, but that's not a change in the game, it's because we already switched to Winder Daylight Saving time and US still haven't......
            s56 Starcrest Mountains

            “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


            • #7
              Same problems here. I spent a bunch of diamonds on alchemy and i did not collect anything from my VIP rewards.


              • #8
                Originally posted by osobena View Post
                Oh? I play on US East server and my reset time is not changed yet. Okay, I am actually from East Europe, so it comes 1 hour earlier for me now, but that's not a change in the game, it's because we already switched to Winder Daylight Saving time and US still haven't......
                yes i think it only affected european servers ... on 69 we have the same prob
                S69 Foultusk Lair
                IGN Jm4nsk1
                Guild BloodOath
                Alliance BloodOath
                lvl 100 BR 43 Mil


                • #9
                  We have the same prob on [S101] Lair o' Flames ~.~ alot of bugs atm showing up.
                  League of Angels

                  IGN: LadyShaya
                  Class: Sorcerer
                  Level: 80
                  Guild: Noobs
                  Server: [S101] Lair o' Flames


                  • #10
                    Two days in a row that I couldn't collect either VIP or alchemy, and while mods have answered other threads they couldn't simply tell us that they've passed on our concerns to the devs. This is really obnoxious. At least tell us you're doing something about this. We spend real hard-earned money on this its really the least you should do.


                    • #11

                      again the same problem, VIP already collected but i didnt collect anything.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	1.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	191.0 KB
ID:	1699719
                      Last edited by JadaKiss84; 10-28-2014, 07:30 PM.


                      • #12
                        and again same problem with alchemy, thank God this time i looked first before i clicked. i want my 250 diamonds back. where are my VIP attempts?

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	2.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	212.3 KB
ID:	1699720

                        i am missing on alot of gold,its the second day i am having this problem with alchemy and VIP,i am losing my patience.
                        Last edited by JadaKiss84; 10-28-2014, 07:31 PM.


                        • #13
                          have the same problems with alchemy and vip for second day


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by p00oo View Post
                            Two days in a row that I couldn't collect either VIP or alchemy, and while mods have answered other threads they couldn't simply tell us that they've passed on our concerns to the devs. This is really obnoxious. At least tell us you're doing something about this. We spend real hard-earned money on this its really the least you should do.
                            they have answered at least 1 of the 50 threads about this topic under bugs and said they reported it. would probably be easier to see that if everyone with the issue didnt start a new thread about something started within the same hour and about the same issue.


                            • #15
                              why was this thread moved from General Support? i believe this is not just game discussion.

