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  • #16
    Originally posted by Huntresssss View Post
    so i should get light envoy form HoC and ner from free and build a IRB set up?... is IRB rly that op?
    It is that OP
    This is Eisia


    • #17
      Deleted post
      Last edited by uxu4n; 10-31-2014, 01:34 PM.
      This is Eisia


      • #18
        Originally posted by R2471526 View Post
        IRB is really good and best party to build up as a non casher, since you cannot afford to make claws,hecate,ES and heroes like this insanely strong which cashers do.
        Even cashers have IRB. Smart cashers with limited funds anyway. They just dont always use it as pvp set up. The only one big enough to say i dont need IRB is the top 3 tycoon in EST. And u know who they are.
        This is Eisia


        • #19
          so i gona grab Le next HoC along with ner for IRB would u suggest bubble or rez aegis?


          • #20
            Originally posted by osobena View Post
            Care to explain why?
            growth LE + 18 to +21 gives only 0,5% more hp , atk ,agi
            growth nere +18 to +21 goes 21 to 22% more def , atk , agi

            both options gives 101 rage though ........ so my option will give you 0.5% more gain.
            S69 Foultusk Lair
            IGN Jm4nsk1
            Guild BloodOath
            Alliance BloodOath
            lvl 100 BR 43 Mil


            • #21
              but that stats from buff don't stack so the one hat giv highest %att buff is best ?


              • #22
                Originally posted by TylerWin
                And know what is totally wrong in your Scheme? This:

                + LE Buff is from Caster's and Target's stats. So 15% from LE stats and 15% from Target stats. If we calculate for example this:
                Main has 300k patk/matk and Envoy has 150k MATK =
                15% from 300 = 45k + 15% from 150k = 22.5k = 67.5k Bonus

                Nereida: +22% from 300k patk/atk = 66k Bonus.

                Let's say main has 55k and LE has 60k (my will look like that- LE will act sooner than main).
                55.000 + 22% = 67100 For Nereida
                55.000 + 15% (8250) + 15% From 60.000 LE (9000) = 67250 For Envoy

                At some cases Nei will give better buffs, but with pretty nice done LE we are getting more. And anyway... if they are in IRB 2 party: Nereida's buffs will be covered. So, It's better to have +21 LE.

                So... if your scheme would work (while it's not) Nereida is giving less stats anyway unless we have damn weak LE.
                But... nereida +18 with 2 rebirths and without any MATK gems has ~130k matk already. So I would assume LE with Loki's staff will have MIN 150k matk (with guardian angel +7 and cherub +10).

                And last one... if nereida is +21 so she will probably act first with her skill, means if LE will act second = she will disable NEreida's buffs anyway )

                2 much to go into atm everyone is entiteled to there opinion ...... one thing you have to make sure that LE
                s agi is alot higher then neireda about that your right.
                S69 Foultusk Lair
                IGN Jm4nsk1
                Guild BloodOath
                Alliance BloodOath
                lvl 100 BR 43 Mil


                • #23
                  getting LE from hoc u r 1 ace down in spades and hearts... wats % to get ace from the 200 and 500 dia chests? so how much dia cost me to get LE?

                  also i don't think any1 answered my query of how much bless stone to get from +12 to +21 or +12 to +18


                  • #24
                    It might took me till the next pumpkin event till i lvl my support to the rqsted lvl ... Those perfect upgrades helping much.

