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"Smoldering steed's exchange" in hot events

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  • "Smoldering steed's exchange" in hot events

    Could you pls give duration 1 more days? Because we can only collect reward for tycoon at 11/09 but this exchange end before we can collect prize in tycoon (11/08).

  • #2
    Duration of this Event has been Extended by 1 day =)

    ( just in case you missed them the first time )


    • #3
      You must really empty your card if you ask for that event to be extended, else you had no reason for it.
      Being the best isn't all it's made out to be. When you're strong, you become arrogant and withdrawn. Even if what you sought after was your dream.
      Those who can't acknowledge their real selves are bound to fail.
      That imitating someone you respect is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.


      • #4
        Originally posted by TylerWin
        no need to empty the card... Just be prepaired for tycoon...
        As long as there are cashers, you need to empty your card.
        If someone who pays competes with someone that only gathers stuff, it's simple to say who'll win, wether the one who gathers plays " smart " and the one who recharges is just a rich kid who knows 0 about the game.
        Also, if the mount is wanted by the cashers, there's a word for it : Quit. ( or don't even bother ).
        Being the best isn't all it's made out to be. When you're strong, you become arrogant and withdrawn. Even if what you sought after was your dream.
        Those who can't acknowledge their real selves are bound to fail.
        That imitating someone you respect is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.


        • #5
          You always forget that you are only able to play cos of others who pay for it... So all who says "Quit" should exchange that word to "Thank you" !


          • #6
            I said Quit as in don't bother to compete with someone seeing you already know you'll loose.
            I myself pay and paid for games ( never said I am a free player but not a crazy spender either ).
            In a game we all enter to have fun, pay for what we want/need, get the " power ", laugh, etc.
            If you think I somehow " attacked " the ones who pay, you got it wrong cause I didn't, and don't have reasons to do, just said what I said first time, meaning don't try to compete against one, if you don't pay because you'll obviously loose.
            Quit - stop trying, not quit the game. ( to not misunderstand it. )
            Being the best isn't all it's made out to be. When you're strong, you become arrogant and withdrawn. Even if what you sought after was your dream.
            Those who can't acknowledge their real selves are bound to fail.
            That imitating someone you respect is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.


            • #7
              Originally posted by TylerWin
              If I would (will) get that steed = he will be exchanged for gems, I'm pretty sure over time we will all be able to get it anyway.
              The way we got sc.rewed with the Hero Upgrade event during tycoon, I'm pretty sure we'll be sc.rewed with the mount also, maybe in 1 year or so ( when they'll release a better mount and rare one ) for it.
              Now I don't know if you put a rare mount/hero on Tycoon you make more money, or if you put it on a exclusive event at 20k rechargable.
              Hope you'll be right, that steed is a hell of a one, and really doesn't need to be missed.
              Being the best isn't all it's made out to be. When you're strong, you become arrogant and withdrawn. Even if what you sought after was your dream.
              Those who can't acknowledge their real selves are bound to fail.
              That imitating someone you respect is something you do in order to grow. You can't use it as a disguise to pretend to be someone you are not.

