Hello, im playing as a sorcerer at lv 60 now, i've been wondering if there any trick on battle slot party, because i've seen there's 3 player or maybe more in my server only use 3 or 2 heroes instead of 5 heroes, my BR now is 409k focused on my main hero (153k br) with a lot of lv7 gem on all of my equipment (hp,matk,dodge,pdef and some of lv 7 fuse) and all lv6 gem + fuse gem for the rest and got min lv 7 refine for all my equipment, and have genesis mail and hoder greaves.
So i can't explain how i can always losing against a player with 370k br and some of 320k br (his main hero is 170k br)and only use 3 or 2 heroes in party slot with only have 2 lv7 gem (hp and patk) and the rest is lv 6 gem and some fuse gem for all slot equipment, his equipment, rune, enchancement, is about the same as mine, even same amount mount type and upgrade, i've got a higher lv cherubstone and angel, i've 5 points higher in clothing bling (same type sky archer) and better ring, tho he got little bit better dragon soul since he is lv 62.
so i don't know how to explain this, and im stuck in clash (20-30)
here's the screenshoot

Thanks, regards.
So i can't explain how i can always losing against a player with 370k br and some of 320k br (his main hero is 170k br)and only use 3 or 2 heroes in party slot with only have 2 lv7 gem (hp and patk) and the rest is lv 6 gem and some fuse gem for all slot equipment, his equipment, rune, enchancement, is about the same as mine, even same amount mount type and upgrade, i've got a higher lv cherubstone and angel, i've 5 points higher in clothing bling (same type sky archer) and better ring, tho he got little bit better dragon soul since he is lv 62.
so i don't know how to explain this, and im stuck in clash (20-30)
here's the screenshoot
Thanks, regards.