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PVP help

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  • PVP help

    Hello, im playing as a sorcerer at lv 60 now, i've been wondering if there any trick on battle slot party, because i've seen there's 3 player or maybe more in my server only use 3 or 2 heroes instead of 5 heroes, my BR now is 409k focused on my main hero (153k br) with a lot of lv7 gem on all of my equipment (hp,matk,dodge,pdef and some of lv 7 fuse) and all lv6 gem + fuse gem for the rest and got min lv 7 refine for all my equipment, and have genesis mail and hoder greaves.

    So i can't explain how i can always losing against a player with 370k br and some of 320k br (his main hero is 170k br)and only use 3 or 2 heroes in party slot with only have 2 lv7 gem (hp and patk) and the rest is lv 6 gem and some fuse gem for all slot equipment, his equipment, rune, enchancement, is about the same as mine, even same amount mount type and upgrade, i've got a higher lv cherubstone and angel, i've 5 points higher in clothing bling (same type sky archer) and better ring, tho he got little bit better dragon soul since he is lv 62.

    so i don't know how to explain this, and im stuck in clash (20-30)

    here's the screenshoot

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    Thanks, regards.
    Last edited by zone00roxxx; 11-19-2014, 07:48 AM.

  • #2
    BR means pretty much nothing, it just shows the raw power you have. You need to show us details - what are his hit and dodge. I suspect high dodge. It also matter which heroes he is using and how they are built, what is hit party formation and so on.We have a player on our server with 1.92m br who is beating 2.64m br player. With the right built - 80k br difference is exactly nothing.
    s56 Starcrest Mountains

    “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


    • #3
      well im just wondering why they are only use 3 instead of 5 heroes, this is his main stats, hit 3220, block 3512, dodge 5204 .... and my main stat, hit 3186, block 1559, dodge 6420 . thanks before
      Last edited by zone00roxxx; 11-19-2014, 08:24 AM.


      • #4
        maybe ss would be better to explain the stats haha ... Click image for larger version

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        • #5
          He has higher ATK than you and a lot more HP. And he is using a healing built, I suspect well developed, also some endurance on his main. No wonder he is killing you. He both does more damage than you and can take more damage. About the use of less heroes - it saves resources, but need to be well done in order for it to be effective.
          s56 Starcrest Mountains

          “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


          • #6
            hmmm, yeah i've notice that, he's at rank about 20-25 in clash, idk why he doesn't aim to be top 10 in clash? it's like he's been there a week or more, i guess he can do it if he play 5 heroes instead of using only 3 heroes.. well idk about what he thinks but thanks, maybe i need more time to get in there


            • #7
              Our Server Rank 2 only 1 hero (hecate). It is about the build. i believe, his 1-2 hero is being pumped too. So at your level, angel killed all your heros, but his remain as he pumped his 1-2 hero instead of spreading the resources to 5 .

              Therefore, having less powerful hero better than having 5 useless hero.


              • #8
                Originally posted by zone00roxxx View Post
                hmmm, yeah i've notice that, he's at rank about 20-25 in clash, idk why he doesn't aim to be top 10 in clash? it's like he's been there a week or more, i guess he can do it if he play 5 heroes instead of using only 3 heroes.. well idk about what he thinks but thanks, maybe i need more time to get in there
                Nope, if he has 5 heroes he most probably will be weaker, because he will spread resources. For free players having less heroes but developed well sometimes works a lot better than 5 weak heroes that die on first hit. Or IRB if you really want to use 5 heroes, even 6, lol. Everything depends on the built. His healing built is good the way it is.
                s56 Starcrest Mountains

                “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                • #9
                  actually i already killed all his healer at the first time my angel attack, so it's like 3 v 1 after his angels attack, 2nd round his angel attack 1v1, even i get 2x respawn still no chance, but well i guess the main reason is "spreading resources" maybe from totem or idk. i'll try to use 2 heroes to see how much the difference ..
                  Last edited by zone00roxxx; 11-19-2014, 11:38 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by zone00roxxx View Post
                    actually i already killed all his healer at the first time my angel attack, so it's like 3 v 1 after his angels attack, 2nd round his angel attack 1v1, even i get 2x respawn still no chance, but well i guess the main reason is "spreading resources" maybe from totem or idk. i'll try to use 2 heroes to see how much the difference ..
                    Lol, it also matters which are the heroes. Mostly I suggest you concentrate on developing main.
                    s56 Starcrest Mountains

                    “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                    • #11
                      share a battle log


                      • #12
                        less is more


                        • #13
                          Less heroes means his main character gains rage faster so he uses skill more often


                          • #14
                            i've found my self struggle when im facing paladin or berserker, tried to use only djinni and nether, got bullied lol actually i already did to focus on my main built, right now im focused on HP,Matk,Dodge, i'll add Hit and get lv 8 gem later since i've no advanced gem left, that's the stat i've got with lv 7 hp,matk,pdef and dodge on every of my equipment, but yeah he is too powerful dem he's hard to beat


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Savike View Post
                              share a battle log
                              i'll try to share it later, im at works right now

