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  • upset

    hey R2 for 2 days CS dont work and you send me,Compensation 2000honor? this is a joke? well i lose some tycoon points because of you,in 3/3 att i can have gold,vouchers,angels tears,soul this count in Tycoon,and all points for tycoon count for me,and if i need 10 points no more you dont alow me to get my Reward,so........ this is nice? whit all respect,you make nice games but be cool whit us,and give us some real Compensation,in one day i can make 1ok honor points and most important the 3/3 attemps =vouchers,gold,angel tears,soulstone.Hope for some decent compensation not 2000 honor points for 2 days,this is real joke,to not say others words badly

  • #2
    totally agree with you


    • #3
      Originally posted by QueenOfTheSeas View Post
      totally agree with you
      that make 2 of us,
      dont to mention lost vouchers, so if that will be fixed on monday losing numbers will be app 2k+ vouchers and 20k (more or less) honnors
      S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
      now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
      Guild - Lunatic Cafe
      UC 27 current server

      You are really alive when you have someone to die for

