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  • Tarrot

    Can someone explain me how they do 10k ++++ pts without cash? i have like 3-4 on my server who are getting this points without eaven cash ... they didn't wanted me to say how they do it. all i could get was "i only flip cards " ..... how ? is there a trick? i can't pass 3 k .... and those are my good days ...

  • #2
    if u do perfect score ( finishing lvl10 ) x3 u can get around 12k , that can be done without buying extra attempts , just need 40-50 extra flips which u can get for free sometimes on events


    • #3
      by saving tarrot cards


      • #4
        those guys i am talking are doing it almowst every day ... i mean ... what visual memory you must have ... realy )


        • #5
          Originally posted by InverSe619 View Post
          those guys i am talking are doing it almowst every day ... i mean ... what visual memory you must have ... realy )
          they gave too much (10) and (5) cards from the previous events, everyone should've been able to stock at least 50 pieces of those


          • #6
            If you are doing 3k and thats on your best day, i think you seriously have poor memory. Anyone can do 12k if you have 50 flip cards, and they are giving so many flip cards the last few events. As for your case, Super poor memory, even 100 flip cards you cant do 12k.

            PS: Do you even remember you post this thread? lol.


            • #7
              Its pretty easy. You just need to remember nine cards and their order max to max at a time. I get to level 9 everyday thrice unless there is lag


              • #8
                when you save up tarot cards from events or buy some in group buy for 20 diamonds and then use 3 cards so 15 extra flips with a good memory and a little luck finish all 10 rounds and transfer your remaining flips to next round , most days i do 11-12k as well
                S69 Foultusk Lair
                IGN Jm4nsk1
                Guild BloodOath
                Alliance BloodOath
                lvl 100 BR 43 Mil


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Norman818181 View Post
                  If you are doing 3k and thats on your best day, i think you seriously have poor memory. Anyone can do 12k if you have 50 flip cards, and they are giving so many flip cards the last few events. As for your case, Super poor memory, even 100 flip cards you cant do 12k.

                  PS: Do you even remember you post this thread? lol.
                  wow , i realy love you. you think this tarrot is a realy good way to tell if someone has a poor memory? If you think that , then i have a poor memory and you are a complete idiot.

                  ps: do you eaven wipe your mouth ? lol. gtfo lol.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by InverSe619 View Post
                    wow , i realy love you. you think this tarrot is a realy good way to tell if someone has a poor memory? If you think that , then i have a poor memory and you are a complete idiot.

                    ps: do you eaven wipe your mouth ? lol. gtfo lol.
                    tbh getting 3k per day is hard to imagine


                    • #11
                      did now 7k without cards. but 12k .... this was my only thing. you all focused my 3k forgeting about the main idea of 12k. whatever


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by InverSe619 View Post
                        did now 7k without cards. but 12k .... this was my only thing. you all focused my 3k forgeting about the main idea of 12k. whatever
                        u can get 12 900 or so with 3 perfect runs , for taht u need like 40-60 extra flips total , no need of extra attempts


                        • #13
                          I think if you want to reach maximum lvl 10 clear and reach 12k points. You need:
                          1) Perfect score/no mistake
                          2) Probably extra 15-20 points per run. So total 45-60 (so... anywhere between 400-600diamond if you use diamond and ran out of tarot cards). If you make mistake or just plain unlucky in some runs, then maybe more.

                          If you don't spend diamond and have no extra tarot cards left, reaching lvl 9 each run should be possible (meaning clearing lvl 8) for free. Of course, if you had very bad unlucky tarot orders, you may not be able to clear lvl 8 due to lacking 1-3 moves, even if you made 0 mistakes.
                          Playing at GTArcade currently S349 - Raphangelo

                          and wow, I didn't know I had R2Games account since 2012..


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Norman818181 View Post
                            If you are doing 3k and thats on your best day, i think you seriously have poor memory. Anyone can do 12k if you have 50 flip cards, and they are giving so many flip cards the last few events. As for your case, Super poor memory, even 100 flip cards you cant do 12k.

                            PS: Do you even remember you post this thread? lol.

                            Me: *zips mouth* *go to corner and sob* *sob* *sob* (I can only make an average 2K points everyday. )


                            • #15
                              Even with no mistake, there is still badluck of picking cards that overlap and thus waste moves.

                              Without any tarot bonus cards, my daily can range between 6000-8500 points. There is no way to get 12.8k with no tarot bonus cards because of how level 9 and 10 works with that amount of cards

