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  • #31
    clearing lvl 14 gives around 10500 Tarot points, and gives exactly 3340 Tycoon points


    • #32
      Originally posted by R23121670 View Post
      15-30 flips for all 14 rounds? jesus christ you must have the devils luck to be able to do that. For 10 with minimal mistakes and a normal humans luck youd need around 30 cardsextra flips, for all 14 rounds I used roughly 60-70 extra flips and made at most 7 mistakes on the 5 complete runs I did. Of course I don't have amazing luck so that might seem high, but I rarely miss a match if Ive flipped it once before...
      Not sure how u do it. But it's most likely not optimal? Might want to read up or think of a new way of doing it. Unless u have the worst luck ever, doing lv10 rarely need goinging past 20ish flips. Doing lv14 since there are more lvs, the chances of needing more flips go up but definitely not 60+. I dont think i ever needed over 40 extra (in fact the only time i went past 30 crossing into 40 is because i remembered two cards wrong and had to reopen a bunch wasting 12 flips).

      I do 3 full lv runs everyday (used to be 10 now 14) Unless im winning lottey over and over i dont think ill be that lucky. So the more logical assumption is u didnt do it optimally? Or im lying. Either or.
      This is Eisia


      • #33
        I'm curious - are you using the method where you flip one card at a time and so avoid situations where your second flip is a card you've already seen? I've been trying doing that, but either I run out of time (seems impossible to use this method on the later levels) or it gives me around the same results.

        I usually average 40-50 extra flips per run, but I think that's because I usually mess up four or so times per run. Need practice, but with my Internet provider being ??? on me recently I haven't wanted to risk doing full tarot runs.


        • #34
          Yeah. One flip at once so i match everything asuch and as fast as possible. Sometimes i click too fast and mess up and end up wasting flips here and there when im really tired. But its definitely doable for 20 flips for lv14. Just finished my 3 runs for the day. Used a total of 7 10 tarot flip cards and 1 5 tarot flip card and end up with same flips from reset. So 75 used for 3 lv14 runs.
          This is Eisia


          • #35
            Hm, is there a trick to not running out of time using that method, or is it just me not clicking fast enough? I've gotten a bit better at it so I usually only run low around level 9 (which I'll fail without extra cards anyways), but I feel like levels 10 - 14 would be really hard with the number of cards on the table, and it would ruin my usual method of doing 1-13 quickly so I can use paper for level 14.

            Wish I could turn off tarot card flip / loading animations, haha.


            • #36
              i can get to L12 then time out every time how does one beat the clock?


              • #37
                I flip one at a time..and use quick names which i repeat. I turn off tv and close chat..and do tarot in silence..repeating the order of cards out loud over and this...panda, red, hat witch, blue...male, left, down, overtheshoulder......for me is the best way to remember it all. When I get to a match..I got back and choose the matching card...removing it from the list i am repeating to myself.

                IGN: MizUndrstd
                Server: s4
                Guild: HelloKitty


                • #38
                  where are the gems on points ranking????


                  • #39
                    My worst day is 3K and 5-7K on average when I'm lazy to use flip cards and memorize everything perfectly.

                    If someone get 3K max, must be related to:
                    1. How you play it. Opening same cards over and over before finding the pair lead to low score (I have seen people play this way and this method perfect if you have no flip limits). Miz18 methods is what I do and that's best that works for me. And if still not easy, use funny names u created for each of them so you can memorize easier!
                    2. Poor connection, lag is biggest enemy of tarot.
                    3. You're concentrated too much on memorizing and slow in clicking

                    Too boost your pts u can:
                    1. Time problems? use touch screen is much faster
                    2. Bad memory problem? simply use tons of flipping cards and fast clicking
                    3. Connection problem? You know what to do

                    Tips: turns off other games/youtube, minimize whatever things that may cause lag, don't play in rush (do tarot when you have time and in good mood, in a day u must have a good 15 minutes to do tarot...).
                    Originally posted by Henry Miller
                    There are only three things to be done with a woman. You can love her, suffer for her, or turn her into literature.



                    • #40

                      Fusion gone
                      This is Eisia


                      • #41
                        How exactly are you guys only flipping one card at a time?

