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  • items

    there are a lot of us who don't use diamonds or for that much even have lots of diamonds to use. I notice that yall do a lot of events that require lots of diamonds be used or u give us things like Aureus. which most stock up on cause they cant use them to get anything they want. most gets used on things that we already have like Incinerator (which I have at least 6 of) and have no need for since we got better clothing. least yall could do is allow us to sell them. It would be great if ya got the gifting part going as well. i'm pretty sure that im not the only 1 who is thinking this

  • #2
    agree with that, have almost half page of aureus on inventory, and yes, basicaly only one item that can be bough with them is a bit low, especialy that isnt any superiour gear. it should at least give some older free shards like glacial wolf for example that some missed on previous event
    S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
    now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
    Guild - Lunatic Cafe
    UC 27 current server

    You are really alive when you have someone to die for


    • #3
      lol tyler , now i get how you are made, you like to show taht you are smart, istead of doing 743 posts , telling all how stupid they are and you are soo smart, help them , since you like talking soo much, show your age mate, dont be a child and all the time talking about how others mistake. this should end my conversation with you
      Originally posted by TylerWin
      I used 15k aureus last Loralei's and know why? I got ~2k incinerator shards. I will smelt them during next smelting event and will get 10k smelting points.
      For those points I will get decent count of useable items. And you... ya, never use your brain.
      Hunter 92lvl
      S189 Bleak Divide


      • #4
        This is how some people teach. Everyone has different ways to teach as everyone has different ways they learn. Some people need to be humiliated to start thinking things through, maybe they will start to think things through instead of saying that there is no way to get rid of things. Good on those that did this with their aureus, I decided to save mine in hopes one day something I want is able to be obtained there for free


        • #5
          I saved my Aureus for better porpuse... looks like so far i was wrong... i will check at the next event if i get any good us of tham. Thx Tyler for sharing your idea how to get rid of tham.


          • #6
            maybe , but i still think that free shards from previous events could be included to help that ones who was needed 20-30 to get that mount or cloth
            S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
            now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
            Guild - Lunatic Cafe
            UC 27 current server

            You are really alive when you have someone to die for

