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Dodge and Hit

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  • Dodge and Hit

    Hi i have a question about Dodge and Hit.
    My purple wyrm got protected from a player with 2,3 Million BR. Then a player with only 1,4 Million BR attacked me and won. I coulnt understand this so i checked Dodge and Hit ratings.
    The attacker has only on his mainchar 12k Dodge. All other chars are under 67k Dodge. The Defender had on Mainchar close to 8k Hit and on Dark Paladin over 8k Hit. The others something around 6-7k hit. But still my Wyrm got robbed from that player.
    My Question is now: Is that Hit rating so much weaker that it can make over 900k BR useless?
    I read in another post here in the Forum that 5k hit would be enough to hit a 10k Dodge player without problems. Thats why im a little bit curious about that fight. Or was that not true and you need close or maybe the same hit rating like the other has Dodge rating?
    Last edited by R256523549; 11-28-2014, 11:53 PM.

  • #2
    i doubt those 4k difference were the only problem , sure it did matter , but wyrm give a buff to stats ,your purple wyrm gave to the defender 50% attk/defense/hp , but we would need to know what wyrm had attacker he could had gold wyrm and get 100% buff . But even if both players had same wyrm 900k br cant do much if the build is bad


    • #3
      there is a raid log in the wyrm race, you can check it and watch the actual battle that occurred. Without knowing the details the best anyone can do is give educated guesses.

      Generally speaking though, it is entirely possible for a well-built 1.4m BR character to beat a poorly built 2.3m BR character.

      edit: Also, the hit-to-dodge ratio I have generally heard is 70%, as in if your hit is 70% of the target's dodge you can hit them somewhat consistently. Obviously it's more complicated than that, but 50% is almost certainly not enough.


      • #4
        a 2.3mil with just 8k Hit main and hero's is a poor build i dont even have to see other stats.

        or maybe he switch his gems for abyss/totem/gaunt etc ?
        S69 Foultusk Lair
        IGN Jm4nsk1
        Guild BloodOath
        Alliance BloodOath
        lvl 100 BR 43 Mil


        • #5
          you should check HP of that attacker in the battle log of yer wyrm race, and compare it with that attacker's HP in his profile. he prolly had golden wyrm earlier during the day
          Last edited by MagusRynd; 11-29-2014, 08:28 AM.
          League of Angels

          S94 Lonewind Forest
          Magus Rynd


          • #6
            maybe the defender striped so that other player can take a loot out of ur wyrm ..


            • #7
              HIT and DODGE stats are the most important stats in this game in my opinion. ATK pts are useless if you can not hit your opponent right It depends on what kind of mount does player use. I always use King Alabaster, which gives atk dmg and hit rate, or Celest hunter, which gives atk dmg and dodge rate. All top players use to have massive dodge and hit rate min. over 15k pts.


              • #8
                i herd u need 80% hit of the targets dodge to hit more than 80% of time.. but the RNG from it seems to v extremely skewed i have had more hit than they had dodge and still missed.. if u have low hit than a low BR player with enough hit and dodge can easy win.. i constantly die to a player 600k Br lower than me simply cuz he got 21k dodge and impossible for me to get over 15k hit untill get better mythic ring yet a player who got 600k more than me with 17k or less dodge i easy win...

                att/hit/hp/dodge r the stats u max out and win (if u stack em way higher than others)


                • #9
                  Can any1 say for sure how much hit u need compared to opp dodge to hit on a regular basis?

                  Why every noob's Godless Wolf with barely over 12k hit can regularly (>50%) hit a character with 20k dodge (without angel worship buff and skill buff, whichj if added make it more than 21k)?

                  Why Godless Wolf damage is more than my main's special skill dmg when PATKs are over 200k in difference? Is there any mention of Godless's skill ignoring def that i m anaware of?

                  Serious and supported answers would be appreciated.


                  • #10
                    Without stats and battle log it is pretty much talking in the wind


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by m3dio View Post
                      Can any1 say for sure how much hit u need compared to opp dodge to hit on a regular basis?

                      Why every noob's Godless Wolf with barely over 12k hit can regularly (>50%) hit a character with 20k dodge (without angel worship buff and skill buff, whichj if added make it more than 21k)?

                      Why Godless Wolf damage is more than my main's special skill dmg when PATKs are over 200k in difference? Is there any mention of Godless's skill ignoring def that i m anaware of?

                      Serious and supported answers would be appreciated.
                      It has more to do with his type dmg, his dmg type is considered rogue type, and now if there's modifier for dmg based on type, which I suspect is the case can explain why Godless does more dmg with same or less p.atk. Also comes in to play your opponents resistance and in your case vs. a enemy Godless your resistance to rogue type.

