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Suggestion to Dev Team : Dragon Soul & Gauntlet

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  • Suggestion to Dev Team : Dragon Soul & Gauntlet

    Hello Guys,

    As you all can see, this post is to suggest some change in Dragon soul and Gauntlet.
    To start with, I would love to see Dragon Soul listed in the Little helpers list, same as Gemology, i have heard from many players they are lazy to do it sometimes, would be really nice to see Little helper doing Dragon Soul.

    As for Gauntlet I suggest to increase the HP of dragons and mobs as well,same as you guys did with WB.

    Thank you in advance and note these are just suggestions,so please go easy on this and no hard feelings.

  • #2
    actually dragon power goes up everytime your guild lvl up, raising guild lvl will raise dragon's hp as well, maybe not much as you want but still.....
    and fully agree with little helper and DS, supporting every thread about that idea, dont see why that should be a problem if gemology is allready part of little helper, almost same gameplay style, only difference is on point calculation
    S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
    now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
    Guild - Lunatic Cafe
    UC 27 current server

    You are really alive when you have someone to die for


    • #3
      increase hp for dragon and mobs isnt enought,neeed increse mobs to make at last doble,to be sure will be 1 mobs/round for anyone
      actualy is ridiculos going gauntled and be happy if hit 2 time till is finish


      • #4
        yeah, but there is some guilds or servers where they dont have very crowded population and on gauntlet is 5-6 players, increasing for much will make them not able to survive half wawes and that might cause some players gives up from gauntlet or quit , so i agree with that you ask, but it need to be optional for each guild like chosing difficulty
        S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
        now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
        Guild - Lunatic Cafe
        UC 27 current server

        You are really alive when you have someone to die for


        • #5
          yes gauntlet really needs a re-balance with more HP on hell difficulty, even with 10 players in the 1.5-2 mil br range missing we kill with full angel health left, all wolves dying with over a min left each wave and people struggling to get hits in. world boss has been re-balanced about 5 times without anything being done about gauntlet. its getting to the stage where guilds that have been together almost a year are falling out over it and players who cash every month are considering quitting.

          Those worried about guilds with low turn out, with a re-balance they can move down a difficulty level or 2 and get same rewards.


          • #6
            I agree with Andy , wolves and dragons hp are too low , the guilds with many player and very strong players aroung 1.7-3 mil br finishes gauntlet with full hp on Angel , there should be some balances just like you guys did with WB


            • #7
              move down difficulty or two with same rewards? Have you ever looked at the reward differences? If they did this I would go from dealing 3 billion damage and getting 50mil+ gold to not completing it or dropping my rewards by half. I 100% disagree with gauntlet exp boost as not all servers have populations that can handle this and the rewards are no where near the same.

              As for dragon souls, please add to little helper!


              • #8
                Originally posted by R23121670 View Post
                move down difficulty or two with same rewards? Have you ever looked at the reward differences? If they did this I would go from dealing 3 billion damage and getting 50mil+ gold to not completing it or dropping my rewards by half. I 100% disagree with gauntlet exp boost as not all servers have populations that can handle this and the rewards are no where near the same.

                As for dragon souls, please add to little helper!
                Will agree with you on Gauntlet. The usual for my guild is 3-4 players doing Gauntlet. More often than not we manage to kill all bosses but not all wolves so angel dies. But we don't want to do lower lvl cause the difference in rewards is really significant. Whomever wants stronger bosses in Gauntlet - donate some gold and raise your guild lvl.
                s56 Starcrest Mountains

                “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”

