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New event in gtarcade

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  • New event in gtarcade do you think guys we will have this event here also?

  • #2
    unfair if main server always have different event. we are playing the same game the same update from main server we should have event like this too, right?


    • #3 look at those i got a feeling we cant at all


      • #4
        Originally posted by welcometofreakshow View Post look at those i got a feeling we cant at all
        yup! i dont know why r2 let this? they purchase this game from GT they are partners. it must be like : their event is also our event, right?


        • #5
          Originally posted by mugimugikun View Post
          yup! i dont know why r2 let this? they purchase this game from GT they are partners. it must be like : their event is also our event, right?
          Neither R2 or any publisher "brought" LoA rights , they more like "rent" the game , GTA is the main brench for usa market from LoA developers so they will do anything to have a edge over other publishers


          • #6
            Quite sure we will get the same thing.
            There will probably be a xmas event similar to halloween and thanks giving so it is just the advertisement for that


            • #7
              Hm, this looks like a bit of a different event from the previous ones:
              Rewards for logging in as usual still suck compared to being able to get recharge any amount every day, and as usual it'll probably be bugged to all hell - my GTArcade account got a grand total of one draw during the Thanksgiving event. c: We probably won't get this if precedent holds, though.

              The one thing I can see people complaining about is 'Every diamond recharged during this event is worth 1 point.' That could be a serious source of points for heavy cashers and there's some nice stuff you can get in the festival shop. Normally I wouldn't care about these things because the rewards are so miniscule (and I still won't because I don't recharge), but I can see why this event would actually set us at a disadvantage.


              • #8
                Probably most people (noncashers) will get abt 5000 points (getting 200 a day x aprox 25days).

                That means that it isn't much of an advantage....non-cashers can only get say 70 angel tears from it :P

                So it will only benefit cashers....and quite HEAVY cashers too.

                Just realised....they rank 70 angel tears as being worth more than the valkyrie crest?????

                Thats's just WONKY :P
                70 angel tears=4900
                Last edited by ShiraBrie; 12-09-2014, 03:41 PM.
                Beserker lvl 73
                980K BR
                Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
                Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
                Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
                Guild: Legendary

                Lilya Lita
                Mystic lvl 72
                1.1M BR
                Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
                Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
                Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TylerWin
                  5k points = 50 eternal spire extra attempts (100 points worth for each one) for free. Can you imagine those thingies during tycoon? Everyday 8 attempts for free during 2 tycoons. Seems like massive advantage.
                  As balance = those cards shall be released in christmas shop for small price.
                  codes dont count during tycoon.
                  Beserker lvl 73
                  980K BR
                  Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
                  Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
                  Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
                  Guild: Legendary

                  Lilya Lita
                  Mystic lvl 72
                  1.1M BR
                  Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
                  Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
                  Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni


                  • #10
                    lets get straight to the point. if you see this event guys is not worth it, what if in the next event they will put something great and we still dont have event like this? i think they will do this kind of event every month to keep the game alive, to make players play everyday. and what about us? just be glad about the free 2-10 diamonds everyday for any amount recharge? r2 purchased the game (or rent it if that's the correct term)and made partner with GT. but if you say rent or purchase or buy, you will get the exact item you pay for right? it doesnt make sense for example if you rent a car you will get the whole car but it doesnt have wheel? because you only rent it and youre not the original owner? better to make thread like this while its early im sure in their future events they will give something great than this and last holloween event. take a look at their eternal spire cards 100points only? all you need is to log in everyday to get 100 points. that means everyday free eternal spire cards which is cost 150diamonds in shop? if they will use it in tycoon everyday during tycoon they can get lots of points! we will be in disadvantage if they will use it in CS tycoon. hope you open your senses guys


                    • #11
                      We have free eternal spire for 2 days....and the said event of having free spires x8 every day only adds up to abt 2k points over the entire tycoon.....:P still, I guess every little counts.

                      I ain't so worked up abt this event, apart from some of the smaller resources and the valkyrie (am sad abt HER )it is very overpriced....amora and mikeala on the same price lvl? For 200 bucks???

                      And just found something else, on boxing day, some of the stuff will go down to up to 90%.... :P
                      Last edited by ShiraBrie; 12-10-2014, 03:23 AM.
                      Beserker lvl 73
                      980K BR
                      Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
                      Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
                      Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
                      Guild: Legendary

                      Lilya Lita
                      Mystic lvl 72
                      1.1M BR
                      Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
                      Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
                      Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ShiraBrie View Post
                        We have free eternal spire for 2 days....and the said event of having free spires x8 every day only adds up to abt 2k points over the entire tycoon.....:P still, I guess every little counts.
                        Each spire blitz itself is worth 250-400+ runestones (and therefore points) for a vip character, depending on how far you've cleared. multiplied over 25 extra blitzes and that's 6-10K points. Even if non-vip only gets half that's still 3.7-5K points during the tycoon, and all of that is before the real bonus: The hot event. "Eternal Spire Conqueror" is just a force multiplier: the difference between 3 clears and 8 clears is 2,250 runestones a day. 5 days, that's an extra 11,250 stones/points.

                        Overall it's something like 18-22K extra for vip, and 15-16K extra for non-vip. and that would only require half of the cards they're essentially giving away (25 of the 50).


                        • #13
                          You can only collect one of each resource / etc. per day, so you'd only be able to get 20ish eternal spire blitz cards.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ShiraBrie View Post
                            We have free eternal spire for 2 days....and the said event of having free spires x8 every day only adds up to abt 2k points over the entire tycoon.....:P still, I guess every little counts.

                            I ain't so worked up abt this event, apart from some of the smaller resources and the valkyrie (am sad abt HER )it is very overpriced....amora and mikeala on the same price lvl? For 200 bucks???

                            And just found something else, on boxing day, some of the stuff will go down to up to 90%.... :P
                            what are you saying are non sense and you dont event get the point. mikaela? valkyrie? who the hell will buy that? i dont know why im replying to you coz obviously you dont know anything. im talking about eternal spire cards here which is the most valuable item we can use in tycoon. imagine if you have more than 20 of them on your bag. you can do 8/8 eternal spire everyday during tycoon. without effort you can have more or less 30k points in tycoon if you some up? can you imagine that? they can do this in 2 consecutive tycoon or more. everyday most cashers are buying eternal spire cards in shop so they can somehow save diamonds from buying directly in eternal spire for you to know.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mugimugikun View Post
                              what are you saying are non sense and you dont event get the point. mikaela? valkyrie? who the hell will buy that? i dont know why im replying to you coz obviously you dont know anything. im talking about eternal spire cards here which is the most valuable item we can use in tycoon. imagine if you have more than 20 of them on your bag. you can do 8/8 eternal spire everyday during tycoon. without effort you can have more or less 30k points in tycoon if you some up? can you imagine that? they can do this in 2 consecutive tycoon or more. everyday most cashers are buying eternal spire cards in shop so they can somehow save diamonds from buying directly in eternal spire for you to know.
                              They can only buy abt 25 of them anyway. And, by the way you are the noob in comparison to me (unless you are a casher or no lifer).

                              Plus the Mikeala and Valkyrie comment was a comment that was nothing to do with what you said...+ plenty of people WILL buy valkyrie, some sevrers are crawling with people talking abt it...I'm jealous load of noobs.

                              P.S. I'm guessing Engliah isn't your first language due to your complete lack of punctuation and grammar. I can barely read what you are writing. This is addressed to Tyler too.

                              P.SP.S They are not the most valuable, Enchanted Ore OBVIOUSLY is.When we get some challenge cards for them, I'll be happy.
                              Last edited by ShiraBrie; 12-10-2014, 04:31 PM.
                              Beserker lvl 73
                              980K BR
                              Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
                              Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
                              Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
                              Guild: Legendary

                              Lilya Lita
                              Mystic lvl 72
                              1.1M BR
                              Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
                              Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
                              Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni

